Beautiful late summer weather
Posted: Saturday, 06 September 2008 |
I realise I havent blogged much over the past couple of weeks. Problem is, the weather hasnt been great and I havent really been anywhere or done much that is worth mentioning.
Must say, I dont really care for July and August - Winter and Spring are my favourite times of year. However having said that, I was out a couple of times this week in the Loch Buie / Loch Uisg area having a look at the rocks. The geology in that area is great and the scenery is spectacular. Plus, it can be quite quiet, even in the busiest months, so for a solitude lover like myself, it comes high up my list of favourite places!
On Thursday, it was a work trip to Loch Buie with a stroll along the beach at lunchtime:

Laggan sands - deserted!

The beach at Laggan again and some old knarly trees

Ben Buie

Sgurr nan Gobhar from the shore

Creach Bheinn and Lochbuie House
So that was Thursday. On Saturday it was back to the area for some rock exploration. Weather was great.

Above Loch Uisg, looking east

Looking west from the same point

Some of the rock I went to look at - a "layered gabbro". Although it is an igneous rock that solidified at depth, it shows layering like a lot of sedimentary rocks. The same stuff is found on the beach at Loch Buie

The pebble beach at the head of Loch Uisg with Creach Bheinn behind

An arty shot, looking into the sun over Loch Uisg
So that was that. Geology classes and field trips will be starting up again soon. More details later!
Bye for now
Must say, I dont really care for July and August - Winter and Spring are my favourite times of year. However having said that, I was out a couple of times this week in the Loch Buie / Loch Uisg area having a look at the rocks. The geology in that area is great and the scenery is spectacular. Plus, it can be quite quiet, even in the busiest months, so for a solitude lover like myself, it comes high up my list of favourite places!
On Thursday, it was a work trip to Loch Buie with a stroll along the beach at lunchtime:

Laggan sands - deserted!

The beach at Laggan again and some old knarly trees

Ben Buie

Sgurr nan Gobhar from the shore

Creach Bheinn and Lochbuie House
So that was Thursday. On Saturday it was back to the area for some rock exploration. Weather was great.

Above Loch Uisg, looking east

Looking west from the same point

Some of the rock I went to look at - a "layered gabbro". Although it is an igneous rock that solidified at depth, it shows layering like a lot of sedimentary rocks. The same stuff is found on the beach at Loch Buie

The pebble beach at the head of Loch Uisg with Creach Bheinn behind

An arty shot, looking into the sun over Loch Uisg
So that was that. Geology classes and field trips will be starting up again soon. More details later!
Bye for now
Posted on mountainman at 18:11
Final Geology Trip
Posted: Monday, 15 September 2008 |
Well hello again, how's it going?
We had our last geology trip, at long last. Reason I say "at long last" is because this particular trip was supposed to happen some time ago. It was actually part of "Autumn 2007" night classes.... honest!
Anyway, we went off to Ulva for the day to look at , guess what - yes! Basalt Columns! It wasnt a big group but all quite jolly and I think everyone enjoyed it.
This blog post here is really just to say thanks to everyone, hope you all enjoyed the course and I've really enjoyed it as well. So thanks to you all!
Next Geology course will be starting on the 6th October and will run until December. That's the plan anyway.
Right, here are some pics of the Ulva trip. You've seen ones like this before, but hey, I'm a geek, I love my basalt columns...

Columns with obliging students for scale...

A closer in shot

From a high perch looking down...

A view round the corner

Down below, looking up

And another similar "up" view

This piece of wood had a very definite "Viking" look to it...

An almost monochrome view across Loch na Keal
Until the next time!
We had our last geology trip, at long last. Reason I say "at long last" is because this particular trip was supposed to happen some time ago. It was actually part of "Autumn 2007" night classes.... honest!
Anyway, we went off to Ulva for the day to look at , guess what - yes! Basalt Columns! It wasnt a big group but all quite jolly and I think everyone enjoyed it.
This blog post here is really just to say thanks to everyone, hope you all enjoyed the course and I've really enjoyed it as well. So thanks to you all!
Next Geology course will be starting on the 6th October and will run until December. That's the plan anyway.
Right, here are some pics of the Ulva trip. You've seen ones like this before, but hey, I'm a geek, I love my basalt columns...

Columns with obliging students for scale...

A closer in shot

From a high perch looking down...

A view round the corner

Down below, looking up

And another similar "up" view

This piece of wood had a very definite "Viking" look to it...

An almost monochrome view across Loch na Keal
Until the next time!
Posted on mountainman at 09:55
Knoydart Again
Posted: Tuesday, 23 September 2008 |
I had been to Knoydart in May for a few days so it seemed like a good idea to have another look - the forecast wasnt great but I needed to get out and get some exercise so I headed off last weekend.
Even managed to combine the trip with some IT work in Ardnamurchan!
The weather was actually remarkably dry in as much as it didnt rain a great deal. However the ground underfoot is pretty soggy. On the Monday as I was leaving the weather improved dramatically and it seems to be set like this for the rest of the week. How's that for timing eh?
Managed a few pics on the way back which you can see below

A typical Knoydart river after heavy rain!

Sgurr Coire Choinnichean - a very fine peak that rises above Inverie

Geology time: a glacial erratic boulder of gneiss (probably Lewisian ie extremely old) sitting on Moine schists and psammites (very old)

More geology: a rather fine quartz vein running through the schists - that's Inverie in the distance

A sunny Monday, looking across the bay

Another view across the bay
On the way back from Mallaig I managed to get some nice pics of various beaches:

The sands at Morar - remember "Local Hero"?

Beach near Arisaig

Same beach from another viewpoint

Looking out to sea

Finally, not far from Mull, here is Camus nan Geall in Ardnamurchan - a really nice spot.
And now a week of great weather beckons. Think the camera might be busy...
Bye for now!
Even managed to combine the trip with some IT work in Ardnamurchan!
The weather was actually remarkably dry in as much as it didnt rain a great deal. However the ground underfoot is pretty soggy. On the Monday as I was leaving the weather improved dramatically and it seems to be set like this for the rest of the week. How's that for timing eh?
Managed a few pics on the way back which you can see below

A typical Knoydart river after heavy rain!

Sgurr Coire Choinnichean - a very fine peak that rises above Inverie

Geology time: a glacial erratic boulder of gneiss (probably Lewisian ie extremely old) sitting on Moine schists and psammites (very old)

More geology: a rather fine quartz vein running through the schists - that's Inverie in the distance

A sunny Monday, looking across the bay

Another view across the bay
On the way back from Mallaig I managed to get some nice pics of various beaches:

The sands at Morar - remember "Local Hero"?

Beach near Arisaig

Same beach from another viewpoint

Looking out to sea

Finally, not far from Mull, here is Camus nan Geall in Ardnamurchan - a really nice spot.
And now a week of great weather beckons. Think the camera might be busy...
Bye for now!
Posted on mountainman at 08:13