Carsaig round 2...
Posted: Thursday, 25 October 2007 |
If it wisnae fur yer wellies where wid ye be? The song sprang to mind as soon as the kids pic came up. And I think it's thank Crunchie it's Friday MM yeah? Nice one, yet again.
Tws from White Sands
Lovely as ever, MM. Are your children growing up with a detailed knowledge of, and interest in, geology? Or is it just 'daddy's rock stuff'? Lovely pic of the moon. Iz (Ten weeks 'til I'm there, and counting.)
Izzie from NE Wales
MM I love your blog - but is it wise to show full facial photos of your children? Or yourself for that matter...Anyone can drag a photo off a blog... I'm not a paranoid cat. it's a sh**ty world out there, which is possible why the House Rules suggest you don't . I know some people do.... The Black Sands of Carsaig is a wonderful evocation of island liff...
Flying Cat from unarguementatively yours
Flying Cat, yes that is actually a very valid point - and it is something that I have considered. One of the reasons for putting the pics is that it is actually a very easy way for other family members, scattered all over the UK, to see them. There is also the point that, the way technology is moving (today I read a news item about a 5 megapixel phone camera!!) it will be almost impossible to stop pictures appearing all over the place, anyway. But its a good point you make , and one that I am constantly aware of Cheers MM
MM from Tob
I think I'd like that on vellum so I can have it framed and wave it under the noses of those that do not believe I'm a real cat that can make good points. I'm rather chuffed!
Flying Cat from Proud as Punch
Maybe I'm wrong but i thought the term house husband involved a degree of housework, well there wasnt much evidence of that on thurs! Lots of geology no doubt but definately no tidying!
wife of mountaiman from tob
I think you must have misunderstood the job description MMW: if you examine it closely there is no reference to houseWORK, it's just a matter of being IN the house.
Flying Cat from i
Palsy of the's an age thing...I'm four you know...
Flying Cat from in the cleaning cupboard
Hah! I've been rumbled by Mrs MM!! She should know by now - lets see : 6 hours in bed, 2 hours in the morning getting ready for the day and 2 hours between 5:30 and 7:30 getting the wee ones fed and ready for bed. Right, thats 10 hours of the day every day, spent in the house. And as far as MM is concerend, time spent sleeping, eating and sitting around making small talk is TIME WASTED!!! To quote Bon Jovi: "Gonna live while I am alive I'll sleep when I'm dead! I keep promising Mrs MM that I will take up an interest in hoovering, washing windows and "pottering" (how I hate that word...) around in the garden when I'm 95. I promise. Honest.... I kid you not.... Ok, I'll compromise: 94, and you can throw in the ironing as well....
Mountainman from Tob
You're not required to take an interest MM...just do it! You don't think we're actually INTERESTED in that stuff!!!
Flying Cat from Bosch!