Winter Wonderland
Posted: Monday, 04 February 2008 |
Been away for a while - actually there hasnt been a lot going on "out and about" .Been pretty busy behind the scenes trying to get the new geology course up and running and the old one finished, but more of that later.
I am like a big kid in the snow. Actually, I think Mrs Mountainman thinks I am a big kid anyway but we wont go there! Saturday was one of those days that gave the sort of weather that usually adorns Christmas Cards. Of course the normal Christmas weather is rain rain and more rain (a bit like today in fact - Monday)
Anyway, it was time to make the most of it so the kids and I made a couple of snowmen (Young Iain wanted to make a "snow lady" but I decided against that....) Anyway, all that remains today are two sorry stumps. After the snowmen it was up to the Mishnish Lochs for a look around. I have always liked it up there in the snow - the views are great and there is a "serenity" about the place. Heres how it looked:

Just a general view from the west end looking east

Looking across the loch to Coire an t-Soluis

Beinn Hiant seen from near the boatshed

Me and Sarah (pic taken by Iain)

The snowy wastes of the Mishnish Lochs
Anyway, that was Saturdays trip. Great fun but short lived
Onto geology matters now. The new course has started in Bunessan - second class is tonight so I will be heading there later. We have got several field trips planned but we need good weather for these. At this rate "good weather" will be defined as "rain that isnt cold" Hopefully we will get at least one or two decent trips. Keep watching!
Posted on mountainman at 11:07
Great to see you back, MM. Glad you and the (other) kids enjoyed the snow!
Jill from EK
Yes, good to (graphically) see you back, MM. Can't wait for more pics and geology knowledge of Mull.
Barney from Swithiod yearnin' fer learnin'
Hi MM - wasnt it just great - I think most of us are kids at heart whenit comes to snow!
Wild Freckle from Mull - where did the snow?
great to see mull under snow, we had it too and the first thing I heard when I went out was children laughing as they played in the snow ~ great, thanks,
island threads from lewis
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