Pittenweem Arts Festival 2005
Posted: Wednesday, 29 June 2005 |
1 comment |

If you can't make Corrie Capers on Arran 7th-14th August because you're trapped on the East Coast then you might want to try Pittenweem Arts Festival in The East Neuk of Fife. Pittenweem is a picturesque fishing village about 10 miles south of St.Andrews with a bizzare number of art galleries and antique shops. From tomorrow till next Saturday every artist in the area is exhibiting, many open their homes to put on exhibitions so you get to nosy around while sipping wine & looking at a great range of art. The festival has been running for about 20 years and attracts over 20,000 visitors, not bad for a village the size of Brodick (pop. approx 1000). I'm off up for the opening. There's a torch light parade, boat burning, fireworks etc. Very similar to Corrie Capers Up-Hellia which is Saturday 13th August. Will post programme nearer the time. Hope to see you all there!
Posted on Sunny at 18:25
Hi Sunny, I'm just back from holiday so just seen your post. I see you've managed to post an image to your site, great to see some Arran bloggers online, I'll be posting a Help page on image use later this week.
Btw - when I was on Arran a few weeks back I couldn't see more than ten feet in front of me, has the weather improved?
cheers Mike (IBHQ)
Mike from Glasgow
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