The Jumper is Finished... it may be the answer to the housing shortage
Posted: Friday, 23 January 2009 |

As I managed to trip over next doors dog while I was walking him on Wednesday and clobbered my face off the kerb I had the rest of the week off. As it's turned a bit cool and Himself is back in Iraq and I'm bored to death as I can't go out without scaring people (see below), I decided to finish the jumper I started three years and four house moves ago at the legendary Arran Spinsters Knitting In A Pub Club.
The club fell apart because we started to forget our knitting and going to each others for dinner and drinks and almost all the members are now engaged or left the island or both. I only had a sleeve left to do so I finished it off in my sick bed and eh voa la! It's big enough to house half the island. I'm gubbed! It was a really complicated cable and I'm gonna have to rip it all out... Boo Hoo!
I did think it might do as a new swimmig cossie... but it's a bit skimpy for that kind of thing!
Posted on Sunny at 20:33