Sunny in Cyprus
Posted: Monday, 10 November 2008 |
Hello Bloggers!
I'm sneaking this wee one in as I've been missing you all on my travels. I couldn't resist island life for long so I've recolonised Cyprus for Islandblogging. Look, I've planted our flag so it's official! How long will it take IBHQ to add us to the list to islands?
Do we get a Southern Isles page? This corner of Paphos is going to be Scottish for quite some time.
The neighbours are lovely, Scottish on both sides so the coloniseation is going well and as the Spanish branch of the Fank went so well this year we thought this would make a good venue for Fank 2009. I hope the Arran Viking Association hav been practicing, it should only take the a couple of weeks to get here now they've got the sail up. Better book your places now to avoid dissapointment.

As you can see we have already set up the dip for Donald so the ladies can get close this year without catching something nasty.
I must thank Natures Hairdryer for keeping us posted as to the weather at home and the vagueries of Cal Mac. Oddly the weather hasn't affected the ferries here yet.

It's a chilli 26 degrees at the moment brrr so we are battening down the hatches too, I retrieved the inflatable toys from the pool this weekend while it's still hot enough to dry my cossie in a couple of minutes while I lay in the sun. It's murder!
Obviously any bloggers visiting our newest and furthest outpost are welcome to visit, just let me know when you're landing. Calumannabelle, grab Annie Beag and start peddeling your peddalo!
P.S. I had to change the last word as the moderator didn't get it.
I'm sneaking this wee one in as I've been missing you all on my travels. I couldn't resist island life for long so I've recolonised Cyprus for Islandblogging. Look, I've planted our flag so it's official! How long will it take IBHQ to add us to the list to islands?

Do we get a Southern Isles page? This corner of Paphos is going to be Scottish for quite some time.
The neighbours are lovely, Scottish on both sides so the coloniseation is going well and as the Spanish branch of the Fank went so well this year we thought this would make a good venue for Fank 2009. I hope the Arran Viking Association hav been practicing, it should only take the a couple of weeks to get here now they've got the sail up. Better book your places now to avoid dissapointment.

As you can see we have already set up the dip for Donald so the ladies can get close this year without catching something nasty.
I must thank Natures Hairdryer for keeping us posted as to the weather at home and the vagueries of Cal Mac. Oddly the weather hasn't affected the ferries here yet.

It's a chilli 26 degrees at the moment brrr so we are battening down the hatches too, I retrieved the inflatable toys from the pool this weekend while it's still hot enough to dry my cossie in a couple of minutes while I lay in the sun. It's murder!
Obviously any bloggers visiting our newest and furthest outpost are welcome to visit, just let me know when you're landing. Calumannabelle, grab Annie Beag and start peddeling your peddalo!
P.S. I had to change the last word as the moderator didn't get it.
Posted on Sunny at 08:17