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16 October 2014


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More on Bad Drivers!

Here's my bad driver rant. I came back to my car last week to find it blocked in by a blue car that was double parked so there was no way I could get out. There was a lady sitting in the passenger seat so I asked her if she would move it. She said," Oh no dear I'm a cripple you know."......PARDON? I asked where the driver was and she said he was away to do their shopping. I explained that I was in a hurry and needed to go now. She said I'd been there for ages."...... SO? There' is no time restrictions on parking in Brodick, I was in a proper space and had been there for less than ten minutes. What did how long I'd been there got anything to do with their illegal parking. I asked where he was so I could get him to move the car and she got really stroppy so i went into all the shops till I found him and asked him to come and move his car. He said, "oh no, I'm going in the other direction." WHAT? I told him to move his car or I'd have it lifted. He said, "No, there's a cripple in the car you know." EH? I told him I didn't give a b*gger he was moving it now. He said,"You need to relax, you're on holiday." I wanted to punch him, hard. I explained that I wasn't on holiday and I was now very late for work. He eventually moved his powder blue cripple mobile with very bad grace and his cripple started shouting at me. What amazed me is he reversed to let me out then got out and left his car still double parked when he could easily have pulled into my space! Git! Aaaargh!
Posted on Sunny at 22:47


Your blog brought a chuckle indeed. Here In California , it is not uncommon to have a backup 20 miles long, and wait in traffic for 4 to 6 hours before it moves again, people commute up to 4 hours a day, and travel as much as 100 to 200 miles round trip. 鈥渞oad rage鈥 as we call it is not uncommon . people even shoot at other people in cars with guns for no reason than they are crazy[ it doesn鈥檛 happen all the time but it DOES happen. People talk incessantly on cell phones and are NOT aware of the road, and god forbid you cut them off in a parking space. I remember once in the dead of winter back in the Midwest, someone took my neighbors parking space, and he [ the neighbor 鈥榏 went out . covered the car in snow and then poured water over the ENTIRE car and froze the ENTIRE car in a block of ice., Now really. YOUR bad driveing rant as you call it. is a "piece of cake" as we call it!!!!

lawrence from www.lawrencekulig.net

I know how you feel. It's just incredible that some people think it's ok to park where they like and that no-one else matters. There's been a bit of a rant about people parking in the parent/child and disabled spaces at Tesco over on the Campbeltown website recently. One guy tried to justify his parking there as being because he was 'busy' and so didn't feel he had to waste any time by parking properly. Some people, eh? Cheers Gary

Gary Sutherland from Carradale

Absolutely Gary.... Unless of course it's me who's in a hurry and just abandonned the car. At least I leave the keys in the ignition so people can move it if it's in the way.

Sunny from Arran

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