Corrie Christmas Quiz and Film Festival
Posted: Thursday, 22 December 2005 |
Saturday night was Corrie Christmas Quiz Night. Thanks Margaret & Neil. Here鈥檚 the photos:

Neil & Mags calling Bingo. Took a while to explain the rules to us novices. Don't like this game as I didn't win.

Then there was the make an angel competition. Ours was definitely the best (green one) but was burned because the wing fell off.

This looks like something out of a horror flick and was also burned

Neil burning the losing entries to a pub full shreiking, " Burn them all!" Mark the coalman was just in, he reakons if a tourist had walked in they would've been a bit afraid. Maybe we should change the name of the pub to The Saughtered Lamb?

Heather, David & Stuart in the carol competition

Ann & The Pringles

Eric & Mark giving it up. They didn't like the carol they were given so decided to sing about their turnip

Margo on Tanbourine. Sorry my timing was off so missed Margo being launched

Marvinclause. This is their interpretation of jingle bells

Marvin and Lynn and a bit of dead deer

Julie is moving to Whiting Bay in January so when we got back to her house we decided to sit outside and enjoy the view. Ok it is quite dark at 4am but it was a lovely night.
Sunday was the Christmas Film Festival in Corrie Hall. Laurel & Hardy was definitely the highlight. It was good to see yet another generation of children still find them hysterical, which is just as well as they all had to sit through Jonathan Millers Alice in Wonderland. When asked what they thought of it the replies varied from, 鈥淲eird鈥 to 鈥 So that鈥檚 why you shouldn鈥檛 take drugs!鈥 Then the bairns went home and we settled down to watch Fanny & Alexander. I gave up after the first 2 脗陆 hours. It was very good if a bit long and it had been a late one the night before. I think we might need to give warnings regarding sexual content etc. in future as there were a few embarrassed grannies who had let their older grand children stay for the last film.
I'm off up to Pittenween tomorrow via Dunfermline to see my Dad who is in hospital, trying to think what to smuggle in for him for Christmas. He's just had a kidney out so alcahol probably isn't a great idea. I'm coming back for Hogmany so catch up with you all then. Have a very merry Christmas everyone!
Posted on Sunny at 14:32
Send me your mailing address and I will send you a flash for your camera for Christmas !
Joe Gorbals from Sydney, Australia
my sister's on Arran for Xmas & I'm here at work, deeply bored. Does anyone know if there are any scenic webcams on Arran, rather than looking AT Arran from the mainland?
john from glasgow
Looks like you all had a great time, It's a while since i've been in Corrie, but remember Peggy & Reg. Hope to visit soon. Good pics, never bother about the flash. Cheers. Ian.
Ian McAusland from Renfrew by the Clyde
That's with the flash! It's just very dark! No idea about web cams.
Sunny from Arran
Unfortunately I'm not aware of any webcams currently on Arran
Mmmmm .. ? Maybe somebody could help out ?
Ferry Watcher from Brodick (Work. Gaaah)
Webcam sounds like a job for the Tourist Information! What do you think Ferry Watcher?
Sunny from Arran
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