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16 October 2014

Muness Views

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Can the Can

A veritable feast

On Saturday Fetlar Youth Club held a fundraising night. We raised 拢355 in 4 hours. Very good going for an island with a population of just 60. Its proof that wherever you go in the world Bingo will make you money. Its addictive! I was one number away from winning the 拢60 jackpot (again).
The food was fantastic as can be seen from the picture above.

Money was also raised by playing "Guess What's In The Can". Our local shop had an unlabelled tin that they couldn't sell, so for 50p folk guessed what was contained within. The can was rolled, shaken, pushed and weighed in an effort to guess what delights were inside. Any guesses anyone?
Ah, what lies within the can of destiny?

Guesses to this blog please.

Posted on Muness Views at 17:03


That's a big can. I reckon it's Guga consome with dumplings

Nic from Coll

tuna or tomatoes. I'm going for... tomatoes.

scallowawife from in competition mode

I know what it was.

Magsie from Fetlar

Can I have more than one guess? I'm not gonna wait for an answer. Right, biggish tin, I was gonna say tomatoes, but that darned cat got in afore me, how about haggis, or peaches, pears, some other tinned fruit, dog food, cat food, scrub the last one, tinned veg. of some sort like spuds, yeah that's it.

Tws from thinkingmode lewis

Beans (baked).

Septuagent from NE England

I'm guessing it's nothing to interest a fussy feline, so, let's see, what do catses likes least? Plums, Victoria? I see Tws is in thinking mode. This doesn't bode well. Errrrm......Keiller's Marmalade?

Flying Cat from EffCee's Wee Problem Page

tinned pears or apricots halves!

caarol chauveau from france

You may have as many guesses as you like. Feel free.

Muness from Unst (for a night)

Er....."that darned cat.." Tws I don't think it's very nice of you to miscall scallowawife like that. Although some of us might think being compared to a feline quite a compliment. Unlike some of my predecessors, I have not yet needed darning.

Flying Cat from confused but bearing up

I reckon it's a chicken - or a small turkey maybe? How big is the hand on top of the tin?

Rachondarox from Lancs

I've been trying to think what comes in catering-sized cans like that... could it be peas?

Anne from IBHQ

If I were a Dundonian cat, I'd say it's peh filling...like for an epple peh maybe? Never mind the hand on the tin, keep a close eye on the one opening the purse. Mmmm spondulix!

Flying Cat from cookery nook

Is it sheep's head broth - served the traditional way (with the full head)?

Annie B from the usual

Could it be the last laird?

AcutelyCurious from Coll

This is interesting!!! Erm a tin o dog food, I'll hae tae mind an come back an see whit it is, how long until u tell us?

Peerieting from right here

i'll try this again, new here and did it wrong last time. anyhow, this looks interesting an how long until we get to know whats in the can?? its a tin o dog food no maybe not, erm, maybe a can o salt piltocks!!!

peerieting from right here

oranges for making marmalade - and no I don't mean FC's chum before tws gets even more confused!

mia from from a well trained lap

Is that possible?

Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin

The hand is quite petite. The purse opening quite usual. Methinks we'll announce it on or aound Feb 9th. Bo reason for that date - just the first I picked up. Maybe they could do this in the new mega-casino in Manchester. Got to be a winner.

Muness from Fetlar

Is it Polonium 210?

calumannabel from Moscow

cream of chicken soup??

carol chauveau from france

Did 'Dr' Gillian McKeith visit you and do her, 'this table holds everything you ate last week' trick?

Annie B from the usual

If she did, and the programme continued in it's usual format, then I don't really want to know what's in the tin!

Flying Cat from under a duvet

I saw Gillian McKeith on TV this week with a british standard poo chart. (who inspects this? The Stool Inspector?). The tin does not contain poo.

Muness from Fetlar


Flying Cat from relieved beyond McKeith

Hooch could eat that tin of whatever in one visit to his bowl but I doubt very much if he would eat any of the aboves suggestions. I will guess that the tin contains prunes. They should aid Gillian McKeiths investigations if they were consumed in one go

Barebraes from Shapinsay

You wouldn't give the prunes to Hooch? Even I, FC, could not be so CRUEL to a d.o.g. It's an outcome too awful to contemplate.

Flying Cat from Inn Continent

Even my dog wouldn't eat prunes.

Muness from Fetlar

corned beef. and E Coli. (at no extra charge!)

scallowawife from just out the COOP

I think the can contains a lifetime's supply of mushy peas for Herman Ess's Christmas mushy pea sandwiches.

Far North from Not in Unst Anymore

I want to know Scallowawife - Is the coop a bird coop? If it is then you've obviously had bird flu. You could sell yourself as an innoculation to all those poor turkeys doon sooth.

Muness from Fetlar

I wont be eating Turkey Burgers any more thats for sure. All my chickens have wooly hats and coats to protect them from the flu

Barebraes from Shapinsay

Surely scallowawife has not overspent on furnishings for the new hoose to the extent that she must sell herself? And doonsooth too. Isn't the Market Cross good enough? Things have come to a pretty pass...

Flying Cat from The nest box

I think it contains tatties, peeled, biled and in brine. If it doesn't, then I've had ma chips.

Michty Me from What a Stooshie

Paint. No reason, its just really big

monica from Aberdeeeen

I've heard Scallowawife's couch fae sooth is so big it wouldn't go through the door of Scallawa Acres!

Muness from Fetlar

A girl needs a Big Sofa. You never know when it will come in handy. Take the door off it's hinges, remove a window, the roof, whatever it takes to get it in......

Flying Cat from sniggering on the sofa

As my source for this rumour was Ruthodanort (her of the 3 hands) it may be believable. She said someone was going to get a saw. Adds a whole new meaning to cut price sofa in the sale.

Muness from Fetlar

my builder got it in for me....wow - its nice. bit on the big side but think will keep a door closed. so that another can open. no I havent been drinking. Intend to keep sitting room door closed so that sofa can fit. use kitchen one instead.

scallowawife from smug and satisfied

Right Scallowawife, you think that there is a sofa in the can? Or is the can up against your sitting room door? I am not confused, just perplexed, I like that word perplexed. Can I have another shot at can the can? I'm not waiting for an answer. Haggis? Broth? Peaches? ( the fruit and not Bob (the sainted one) Geldofs daughter) Steamed Pudding of some sort? Och I give up

Tws from Sitting on the sofa

A multi-talented builder should be priced above ruby's. Bang on a Can - music for airports, can't be beaten.....

Flying Cat from sniggering on the sofa


carol chauveau from freezing france

Can I come and live with you Carol? If that's the size of catfood tin your cats get, I'm Your Man. I quite like a Bird on a Wire for afters.....

Flying Cat from cupboard under the sink

Ummm.. FC ... who is Ruby and why has she got a multi talented builder. tell that Ruby person that the builder is mine.first come and all that.

scallowawife from also on the sofa, a choice of two...

FC make your mind up are you a cat or a man. If FC has been out late and has mud on its feet does that mean the cat crept in? Or will FC have tiger feet?

Tws from waiting for a good idea to surface

I think Rubylove was a pal of Cat Stevens, but How Can I Tell You? First but not too soon I hope.... Some people are just greedy, wanting their builders all to themselves AND owning TWO sofas!

Flying Cat from ancient music compendium, there's only one sofa

Flying Cat: Is that Kenny Rogers' Ruby? If so she shouldn't take her love to town. Not even da Market Cross.

Muness from The house of T shirts

Especially not the Market Cross! I'm sure happy slapping wasn't what she had in mind...

Flying Cat from outside Laings

brackets gone mental again. happy slapping - just heard on the news what that is - and the cooncil is to put a stop to it.

scallowawife from the ((old) rugged )cross

I'm worried about you and the market cross. What do you get up to in Scalloway?

Muness from Fetlar

Happy slapping, Chugging whatever next !! Scallowawife are you starting a precedent in double bracketing?

Barebraes from Shapinsay

I thought chugging was what damadcoo's car did. Apparently its charities mugging people. How does this work? As to slapping - does that make the person doing the action the slapper? (No smut here).

Muness from Fetlar

Hordes of happy slappers chugging merrily around da aald rugged merket cross....it fair warms the cockles!

Flying Cat from feeling cross under a rug

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