Seven Days
Posted: Monday, 14 January 2008 |
Arrived in Fetlar on Monday, Searched for the Camera on Tuesday, Found the blessed thing on Wednesday, Lots of pictures taken on Thursday, Friday & Saturday, Had a chill on Sunday. That's basically been my week.
Weather is either nice (clear sky, frosty ground & nae wind) or foul (Force 9, rough sea, eternal rain, grey leaden sky). Its foul at the moment.
Today its pouring.
This picture wasn't taken by me. On the day it was taken (Thursday 3rd Jan), I was attempting to get back from the rest of the UK to Fetlar. Northlink cancelled my ferry by the time I arrived in Glasgow, so it was a 150 mile journey back south along the snowy M74. There were no inter island ferries running on Friday or Saturday morning because of the sea, so I wouldn't have got home anyway. Here's a picture of the same view last Spring:
I also 'lost' my camera over the festive period. Of course, it has now turned up exactly where I had left it!!!!
PS: Thought I might try to keep the song title posts going but use some lyrics from the same song in the posting. We'll see how long that lasts.
Weather is either nice (clear sky, frosty ground & nae wind) or foul (Force 9, rough sea, eternal rain, grey leaden sky). Its foul at the moment.
Today its pouring.

This picture wasn't taken by me. On the day it was taken (Thursday 3rd Jan), I was attempting to get back from the rest of the UK to Fetlar. Northlink cancelled my ferry by the time I arrived in Glasgow, so it was a 150 mile journey back south along the snowy M74. There were no inter island ferries running on Friday or Saturday morning because of the sea, so I wouldn't have got home anyway. Here's a picture of the same view last Spring:

I also 'lost' my camera over the festive period. Of course, it has now turned up exactly where I had left it!!!!
PS: Thought I might try to keep the song title posts going but use some lyrics from the same song in the posting. We'll see how long that lasts.
Posted on Muness Views at 16:30
Fool On the Hill
Posted: Tuesday, 15 January 2008 |

What do you think it is? What is it for? What do you think its called?
Looking back at last years blog I found the Whats in the Can blog (Jan 07) & I thought lets try it again. Anything to brighten our dark days.
So the fool went up a hill on the UK mainland to take a picture of this during his (enforced) extended sojourn. He also went last summer but discovered that he had left the camera behind. He also took pictures on his phone but then that didn't work either...
Day after day, atop of a hill,
The blogger with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still,
But nobody wants to know him,
They can see he's just a fool,
And he never gives an answer.....
I will tell you what it is though - later this month. In the meantime see if you can work out the answers to these questions:
What is it called? What does it do?
Post answers below. We may have a prize.
Posted on Muness Views at 16:05
Moon Shadow
Posted: Tuesday, 22 January 2008 |

I’m being followed by a moon shadow, moon shadow, moon shadow & it looks like a muckle black and white collie….. (with a ball)
It was so still, clear and calm last night that Mac & I went for a walk around 10. The weather has been so changeable the last few days that I thought we would make the most of the forecast quiet spell.

The moon was so bright that I could even see Mac’s reflection in the loch. This doesn’t bode well for the next few days. The phrase, ‘the calm before the storm’ springs to mind. It is supposed to snow on Thursday.
Make moon shadows whilst the moon shines…..
Posted on Muness Views at 11:23
Pipes of Peace
Posted: Friday, 25 January 2008 |
Won't you show me how to play the pipes of peace?
Most of this refers to the Fool On the Hill blog so anyone who wishes to understand the ramblings here will need to check that one out.
Lots of people were correct. Larry got what it does and came close to naming it. Yes it is outside Burnley Mia, but what is it called?
I quite like the idea that it was a sculpture using old turbines from a windmill. Very eco friendly.
As to Jill, it definitely does play different notes but I'm not sure if they are random or not. It does sound very eerie. I quite like it but then I like the sound of howling wind in Fetlar as well. (I hate the wind when it keeps me awake at night though).
Happy Burns Day! Only 11 months to Xmas. 326 shopping days to Xmas! My, how time flies......

Most of this refers to the Fool On the Hill blog so anyone who wishes to understand the ramblings here will need to check that one out.

Lots of people were correct. Larry got what it does and came close to naming it. Yes it is outside Burnley Mia, but what is it called?
I quite like the idea that it was a sculpture using old turbines from a windmill. Very eco friendly.

As to Jill, it definitely does play different notes but I'm not sure if they are random or not. It does sound very eerie. I quite like it but then I like the sound of howling wind in Fetlar as well. (I hate the wind when it keeps me awake at night though).
Happy Burns Day! Only 11 months to Xmas. 326 shopping days to Xmas! My, how time flies......
Posted on Muness Views at 15:23
Wuthering Heights
Posted: Thursday, 31 January 2008 |
I would stay and do a 'proper' blog on the computer, but because it really is quite "wuthering" out there I'm off home to my broken computer.
Some of my Up Helly Aa photos will find their way to the web soon. I'll resize the pictures and add them tomorrow, providing the apocalyptic wind & snow storms don't sabotage my plans.
I'm coming Kathy!!
Some of my Up Helly Aa photos will find their way to the web soon. I'll resize the pictures and add them tomorrow, providing the apocalyptic wind & snow storms don't sabotage my plans.
I'm coming Kathy!!
Posted on Muness Views at 16:36