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16 October 2014

Scallowawife - October 2007

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At last - holidays again. And guess what - its a beautiful day and no much wind, and the sun is shinin, and we're actually up and out of bed this Sunday! Ruthodanort has been for the night, and had to leave early for the dog - or was it Muness - or both - so we were up bright and early.

It's been a rotten summer - weatherwise - and its such a bonus to get a nice day - and we can enjoy it too.

Ruthodanort left one - or maybe two - children behind, not done a head count yet, nor have I attempted breakfast yet. maybe a roll call will establish if any are mine. I think world war three is going on downstairs - or is that fun?

I'm washing a massive backlog of clothes - who on earth has worn all these? and will get them on the line - am I sad or what - glad to get claes on the line?

I've lifted my tatties - a whole shoebox full! just the 6 carrots to go now.

Last weekend we scoured Shetland for flat stones to put in the garden. So will - back permitting - do some of that later. Its so nice to have a strong muscley willing man to help....mmm ... No, not there - there..THERE. no, turn it round... take it away.... try.... sorry. I didn't meant that, no you're really helping. don't walk away, please come back..... Men. hmmmpphh.

We're off to Dublin for the weekend - I'm so soooo excited. the weekend starts on Wednesday. Its been stressful trying to book over the internet - so many options. Ryanair and Aer Lingus offer fantastic deals - the flights vary from a penny to about 15 pounds - but the taxes and the baggage charges and all the other incidentals add up to a normal fare. And the fare to Glasgow from Shetland - extortionate. but never mind - its only money, its on the credit card and we're going. WE ARE GOING!

Now bloggers: - advice - what to do and see? We're going to get up for breakfast every morning even tho we've been out in the pubs and we intend to see Dublin - what do you recommend?

Posted on Scallowawife at 11:34


Photo of the Tart wiv The Cart

(use your imagination)

the tart is sweet Molly Malone. she was a lady of the night - allegedly - and did not die of a 'fever' . poor woman. she did her best I'm sure.

Photo of street art

I was lookin forward to reading this long epistle chalked beautifully on the pavement beside Molly, with lovely art work. Every corner had a busker, or a street artist on it

Photo of pub with hanging baskets

the pubs in Dublin were terrific, the music, the food, the atmosphere...

Photo of my new expensive boots

These were totally TOTALLY justified, as later on I slipped on a leaf whilst wearing my old boots - thus proving the point perfectly that new leather boots with sturdy non-slip soles and fashionable buckles were very necessary.

photo of me

This is me on Sunday, a bit glum, after sleeping in till lunchtime and trailing round the book of Kells for the SECOND time looking for camera and asking every secuity guard where it may have been found. We were sent to the Police station, although the lovely Irish security guards assured me that 'if it's any decent a camera, you'll not see it again.'
Did you know there is no Lost Property in the Garda (Police ) stations in Ireland? No. so when I got home and checked my insurance policy I need a written police statement, confirming the report of the loss within 24 hours. Hmmm. the large woman who I spoke to soooo needed Trinny and Susannah's help in the clothing and make up dept.....sorry that was nasty.

photo of me looking confused and tired

This is us wondering wheter to go to the Guinness factory - who was the one with the hangover? - we did not go. too much wine and dancing the previous night. I can't burn the candle at both ends any more....but I soooo wanted to go and see the 65 acre site and see how Guinness is made, taste the dishes inspired - or laced - with Guinness and get my free pint ....

Funny bits - when we arrived in Dublin there was no stairs for the plane - so we had to wait 10 mins for them to arrive so's we could get off the plane! As we left Ireland, I discovered we had bed bugs....huge ones ... in our bed, on me... they are doing a feature on The One Show on bugs this week ...

Dublin is a fantastic city - its large, sprawling, interesting, arty, creative, friendly - full of foreigners - only the taxi and bus drivers were Irish. Its got no airs and graces, no sense of time, its crowded day and night and there's something for everyone, Temple Bar - an area - wow - so many pubs and clubs, so many music venues, terrific food. we could wander for hours and hours and see so much. Pity some b****r stole me camera and me 50 euro note.....

(but I can hear the Irish taxi drivers sayin - well now the bugger who stole it woold a hadda good reason, an prawbably needid it more than yoo did...)

(I can still hear the taxi driver pullin up outside our hotel and sayin - will ya look at that door - will you tell them it needs a good lik o paint - will ya tell them now please?)

back home: this is a photo of the fantastic sunrise this morning - which I got up in time to see - wow, red sky or what. now where's me camera....

Posted on Scallowawife at 12:42

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