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16 October 2014

From under me bonnet

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"new " boats for old. Proposed ferry to Stromness

Well I suppose we may as well start a discussion about the "cascaded" ferries (new-speak for what in my day were called "hand-me-downs"). Err where to begin, oh lets start with the only an extra ten minuets to Stromness. With the present timetable of 6 sailings a day that addes up to 2 hours extra sea time. Either the day starts earlier or ends later or the sailings are reduced to 4 a day. Some improvement to the "conectivity" to mainland. Oh really you should have read the consultation leaflet, the ruination of english as she is spoke. Nothing wrong with Stromness but Kirkwall is the main destination when you "go to the town". You go to Stromness for a treat. More time on the bus getting from Stromness to Kirkwall, less time shopping. Oh I,m getting bored with listing the many reasons, I'm sure you can list your (do so by all means). I am also sorry to hear the resignation in everyone's voices when they say the council will just do what they want to anyway.
The cynic in me (surely not) can't help thinking that the decision was made long ago and that the powers that be knew that Hoy was going to be a problem, so what to do? "Lets make the new councilor for Hoy the transport chairman and he can have the mucky end of the stick".
Lets hope I am wrong and that after full and frank discussions with the "stakeholders" (yes thats you, and you thought you were mearly paying passengers) an improved service will be provided with shiny new boats and more sailings to the landfall of choice, Houton.
Posted on From under me bonnet at 22:24


Couldn't agree more. The trouble with new councillors seems to be they get nobbled by the incumbents as soon as they set foot in the council offices. They then either fall into line in the hopes of committee chair or vice chair positions and the the promise of support for their "Pet" projects or they get frozen out, become disillusioned and give up. The result in Orkney seems to be that Kirkwall rules the roost through demography and the outer districts/islands lose out. Bit like Holyrood and Westminster really.

Hyper-Borean from The Logting

Well I was shocked at the proposals for the South Isles so I sent in a written response to the proposals. Changes have been made to the draft that was originally put before the South Isles people so maybe our concerns were listened to . It was clear from what was originally proposed that no one had actually thought the whole thing out and the knock on effect it would have on the road system and on parking in Stromness as well as the increased sailing time. The lesson is - never give up and make sure you register your concerns in writing. Oh and keep a track of what is happening from now on.

Fighting Woman from Flotta

Here here. I personnally do not want to go to Stromness, a feeling held by all those who attended the meeting here. The idea of a hand-me-down boat - no thanx, we are happy with the one we've got. we know whats going to happen, the fares will go up, the buses to Kirkwall wont tie in, and yes they will probably do what they want anyway. So why weren't the public consulted from the start? If they knew that they needed a new boat in the North Isles why didn't they do something about it back then? Hoy isn't their only problem Flotta is too.

a passanger from Flotta

I tried to agree with you last week but the IB Spam/Copyright/Libel filter obviously took exception to my views on the state of local democracy. Suffice it to say I am of the opinion that whatever high ideals are taken from the successful election count they don't amount to a hill of beans by the time the commmittee chairmanships have been divvied up.

Hyper-Borean from Coventry

So many complications, such complexity. Simplify, I say. Line them all up, take off their bonnets, and get on with it. Fredblog could whip you up a guillotine in a jiffy.

mjc from NM, USA

Silence. I hope it means someone took my advice, and heads went a-rolling. I voted in the local elections today: my tendency is to say no unless the benefits of yes are very obvious. Make it less easy to initiate a recall? Of course not!! Recalls between elections are good for democracy: keeps the "representatives" on their toes.

mjc from NM, USA

How much is this ferry service costing for a few hundred white settlers. Me thinks they dont really want to be islanders unless they can get access to tescos every day on the boat. long gone the days when islanders could fend for themselves whithout big nanny OIC to look after them. I think they also have a doctor to look after them. There are more people in a block of flats here and we cant even get to see a doctor.

no services from govan

You might ask the locals what they think of ferries and doctors and whether there should be any. I think you'll find they will be the first to admit in being the most vocal in trying to preserve services on the islands both for themselves and the future generations. But as for your big nannies and your Tesco's, I think most would agree we can manage quite well without them.

off white settler from Orkney

I think if you ask the locals about ferries and doctors, they would be the first to admit in being passionate about keeping services on the islands, both for themselves and the future generations. The main thing that strikes me about Orcadians is their independant spirit, if something is needed, they'll get organised and sort it, without a fuss. As for big nannies and tesco's, I think you'll find not many here, locals or incomers, are all that keen on them.

Offwhitesettler from Orkney

No Services -Govan --- obviously knows nothing about Island life ,we are not all "white settlers", and many depend on ferry services to get to and from work every day ,children to get to and from high school , Orkney does not have a "Tescos".we do not have a resident Doctor on our Island .and i wonder who built and own your block of flats , could it be your local council.

White Settler from Flotta

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