just testing
Posted: Tuesday, 09 January 2007 |
wet windy and confined to quarters and am just trying things out. Will get into my stride later.
Posted on From under me bonnet at 11:06
still playing
Posted: Tuesday, 09 January 2007 |
trying to put up pictures now, ah me, the Luddites will triumph after all. oh I give up heaven knows whats the matter. Hoysparkie
Posted on From under me bonnet at 20:49
a picture at last (perhaps)
Posted: Wednesday, 10 January 2007 |
oh calloo callay a picture,all be it a tad blurred. Seems that it all prefers internet explorer to opera. Well so be it: and the sun is now shining from a clear blue sky. First snow on Ward hill today. Hoysparkie

Posted on From under me bonnet at 13:56
A wind from the North
Posted: Thursday, 11 January 2007 |
Last night the wind blew, a tad more than usual, and bang the last remaining wall of my concrete block shed was down. Before christmas a particulaly playful gale tore the entire roof off and blew three walls out, now the last has gone. Rose bushes and brussel plants are shouting to "put wood in hole" as an unwarranted draught wafts around the mud pit I like to call a garden as the wind now can get in from a new quarter.
My thoughts have long dwelt on a new shed, one with a warm interior, a pit for under car repairs, what about a beam to aid in the removal of engines, a secluded corner for my lathe and drill press, what about "facilities" at my time of life "just nipping outside" can be a bind when it's raining. "There's posh, got an inside bog in his shed". Perhaps a chimney for a stove, an upstairs for the storage of "come in handy bit". Dreams, just dreams and fancy.
The weather today is wet and positivly horrid.
Yesterday I managed to put up a picture, one of cats as it happens, Today may be a picture across the bay, but yesterday was cats. These are Hoy born and bred from the clan that allow me to be their servant. (Dogs have a master, cats have staff). They all sleep outside in the consevatoty in a large dog basket, and are now the only other living beings at this address. Well actualy that isn't entirely true because the other day a wee mouse made an appearance,where? there! where? under a chair....etc etc. Better than my pal Mick who has a rat that eats through the water pipes.
Global warming has meant that we no longer get Polar bears here and the penguins use artifical polystyrene blocks insted of ice bergs. Seriously it does seem a little milder in winter, we hardly get any snow and those hard frosts that I remember as a child in Kent are something that I do miss. Antifreeze is a luxury that can usually be not bothered with and root crops can stay in the ground until needed. Well thats enough of me for today, oh no, I havn't mentioned the "Hub". The local council and some developers fancy building a massive container terminal on the island. A quarry will be needed to provide hard core to extend the wharf, floodlights will light up the night sky and the sound of machinery will permiate the air all day and night. I make no secret of the fact that I am agin it and I do not fall back on arguments concerning the environment, bird life,fishing falling house prices etc,pertinant thought they may be it is purely that of nimby ism. I just don't want it, and I don't care where it goes so long as it isn't in my back yard. As you would expect the council are unable to see anything except the pound notes spinning where their eyes once were. For anyone interested have a look at the council web site. Google scapa flow and you will find it. Pip-pip the sparkie
My thoughts have long dwelt on a new shed, one with a warm interior, a pit for under car repairs, what about a beam to aid in the removal of engines, a secluded corner for my lathe and drill press, what about "facilities" at my time of life "just nipping outside" can be a bind when it's raining. "There's posh, got an inside bog in his shed". Perhaps a chimney for a stove, an upstairs for the storage of "come in handy bit". Dreams, just dreams and fancy.
The weather today is wet and positivly horrid.
Yesterday I managed to put up a picture, one of cats as it happens, Today may be a picture across the bay, but yesterday was cats. These are Hoy born and bred from the clan that allow me to be their servant. (Dogs have a master, cats have staff). They all sleep outside in the consevatoty in a large dog basket, and are now the only other living beings at this address. Well actualy that isn't entirely true because the other day a wee mouse made an appearance,where? there! where? under a chair....etc etc. Better than my pal Mick who has a rat that eats through the water pipes.
Global warming has meant that we no longer get Polar bears here and the penguins use artifical polystyrene blocks insted of ice bergs. Seriously it does seem a little milder in winter, we hardly get any snow and those hard frosts that I remember as a child in Kent are something that I do miss. Antifreeze is a luxury that can usually be not bothered with and root crops can stay in the ground until needed. Well thats enough of me for today, oh no, I havn't mentioned the "Hub". The local council and some developers fancy building a massive container terminal on the island. A quarry will be needed to provide hard core to extend the wharf, floodlights will light up the night sky and the sound of machinery will permiate the air all day and night. I make no secret of the fact that I am agin it and I do not fall back on arguments concerning the environment, bird life,fishing falling house prices etc,pertinant thought they may be it is purely that of nimby ism. I just don't want it, and I don't care where it goes so long as it isn't in my back yard. As you would expect the council are unable to see anything except the pound notes spinning where their eyes once were. For anyone interested have a look at the council web site. Google scapa flow and you will find it. Pip-pip the sparkie

Posted on From under me bonnet at 16:37
Just a bit of a winge
Posted: Wednesday, 31 January 2007 |
Not much really to write about so I am having a winge (it's that sort of day) Now I know it's not realy important but I am quite fed up with the attitude the t.v. programmers have to their viewing public. "Oh do tell sparkie, the big brother stuff, the soaps maybe?" No it's the way that the programmers have such a disregard for us (me) that they feel they can show the christmas special of The Simpsons on the last day of January! Yes I know it is only a cartoon (animation if it is art) but how often have you sat through a seasonal special at the completly wrong time of year? To often I think, but it is a reflection of how much regard they have for the viewer. Hurumph.
Politics, hmm sticky subject, who to vote for? (should you choose to vote). I would like Scotland to remain part of the union, so no SNP, Mr Blair and his like are untenable now and the Mrs T still haunts my waking hours, so Libs? Greens? Monster raving loonies? I think it is going to be a tough call.
I know this is 大象传媒 site and that one realy should not bite the hand etc etc but really some of the radio 4 funnies at 6.30 begger belief. As you would expect of your correspondent I have phoned and complained but do they listen? "Oh quick change the subject before he starts going on about ITMA and Glums" I've never said I liked the Glums. Does anyone remember the Angus Prune show? Being serious for a moment I have to say that the wireless has always been my entertainment of choice, all other media come second, well not books obviously but wireless was the first technical medium that I could make an informed choice about, pirate radio actually and that I could act upon. Sadly I get the impression that radio is now seen as just another thing to fill a vacant moment or two rather than a thing to be savoured.
Well just a bit of a ramble I am afraid. The Sparkie.
Politics, hmm sticky subject, who to vote for? (should you choose to vote). I would like Scotland to remain part of the union, so no SNP, Mr Blair and his like are untenable now and the Mrs T still haunts my waking hours, so Libs? Greens? Monster raving loonies? I think it is going to be a tough call.
I know this is 大象传媒 site and that one realy should not bite the hand etc etc but really some of the radio 4 funnies at 6.30 begger belief. As you would expect of your correspondent I have phoned and complained but do they listen? "Oh quick change the subject before he starts going on about ITMA and Glums" I've never said I liked the Glums. Does anyone remember the Angus Prune show? Being serious for a moment I have to say that the wireless has always been my entertainment of choice, all other media come second, well not books obviously but wireless was the first technical medium that I could make an informed choice about, pirate radio actually and that I could act upon. Sadly I get the impression that radio is now seen as just another thing to fill a vacant moment or two rather than a thing to be savoured.
Well just a bit of a ramble I am afraid. The Sparkie.
Posted on From under me bonnet at 21:08