Posted: Tuesday, 22 April 2008 |

Hi, For this city boy, can you explain what "riddle the soil" means. It looks like you are breaking up Styrofoam plastic and mixing it into the soil so that the soil doesn't compact so tight. Is that a good guess?
CVBruce from CA, USA
Child labour - excellent idea! That boy on the left looks more than ready to move up to the High School...
Flying Cat from Planet Nettlejuice
I think he's the gangmaster, FC. He beats them with that rake if they get out of line. I, too, would be interested to read more detail of what you are doing, FS. The bits of polystyrene look quite big, is that OK for what you need?
Jill from EK
more likely a retirement home;fc!
carol from over here
watch out boys - there's a menacing figure lurking behind you, waving a rake...
scallowawife from behind the sofa...
Aha, now I see why you were unable to devote sufficient time to your Viking history extra project ... good work, all. Are all Polytunnels this big? I had imagined them more sort of a bit higher than a self-respecting cat tail.
Barney from Swithiod stopping the rant
Forgoodness sake Barney, that's a cloche not a tunnel you're thinking of...
Flying Cat from clochemerle
We only have child labour when we are making timetables. The boy on the left did leave high school a while ago. No children were harmed during the making of this photo. Riddling is to sieve the soil.
FetlarSchool from Fetlar
Clochemerle ... ah, how long ago did I lose my copy! What a load of laffs for liff. Better to sieve the soil than soil the seive. All strength to Fetlar fellows and fillies.
Barney from Swithiod in a fine fetlar
I riddled Google, CVBruce, and found the answer for this un-Americanism. Hope the sifter was not too fine. Soil ("dirt" in urban terminology) should not be the consistency of powdered sugar. The easy life, boys, is the no-till method. Prevents erosion and back breaking labor. Use a sharp stick, stab a hole in the ground, drop your seed/seedling in it, and pray till harvest time (stopping only for watering, yourselves and the plants). Miracles, my dear children, have been granted to folks less deserving than you (or the Flotta bunch). If the crop is sub-optimal, blame the teacher (eh?!), and have him/her buy fresh produce at the local market for school meals. # Right FC, cloches is what Barney had in mind. An obsession of his ... ever since he got ding donged by a coconut in the Maldives (or was it the Seychelles, Barney from Sweathod?)
mjc from NM,USA
Now, now, mjc, no need to get personal again. A cloche is not a cosh. A cloche hat? Cloche to my heart, Sweat Clod!
Barney from Swithiod biting back
Barney:-clochmerle? as in clochemerle babylone by gabriel chevallier?? not bad reading
carol from the usual place