Brew ha ha
Posted: Wednesday, 13 June 2007 |
See what I did there?
I am very tired, have spent a lot of time recently gadding aboot and working and having island jaunts (Rousay on Tuesday - scorchio! Got a very sunburnt nose). Now lying in bed with laptop and biscuits and small black cat.
So to the brew....this event is held in Orkney in Finstown, in the parish of Firth, hence its name, the Firth Brew. It is basically a home brew/winemaking competition featuring several different categories. You can enter beer made from a kit, beer from trad ingredients, wine from a kit and wine from trad stuff etc. Each category has subdivisions of local and non-local. Local is wine/beer made in Firth, non-local is wine beer made anywhere that is not Firth, ie the rest of the world!
We entered our 12 month old Elderberry and Sloe traditional wine (non-local, we live in Stromness which is not in Firth). Sadly we did not win a prize, and consider ourselves duly robbed. Anyhow, here is a selection of pics from the event. You may recognise a few shady characters....
Once you have bought your ticket, you can sample as much as you like...

The public get a voting slip and write down their favourites...

So many drinkies, so little time!

'Right, whit's this? Rhubarb and custard?'

Lots of Orkney folk still use the thick traditional bottles with the screw tops
Our Westminster MP Alistair Carmichael (spelling of Alistair? It's a minefield) enjoying the evening

You must be fu', you're all blurry

That's the very stuff for me!

Pea pod 2006 or Blue Nun? I know which I'd prefer....

Lots of folk enjoying the night

Here's the spittoon

No Orkney event is complete without a supper of some kind.

The bottles are collected up.....

The beneficial effects are felt

The lucky winner claims his prize

The last waltz

A fine night had by all, and many thanks to the Firth folk for hosting the event. I still think we wuz robbed, though.
I am very tired, have spent a lot of time recently gadding aboot and working and having island jaunts (Rousay on Tuesday - scorchio! Got a very sunburnt nose). Now lying in bed with laptop and biscuits and small black cat.
So to the brew....this event is held in Orkney in Finstown, in the parish of Firth, hence its name, the Firth Brew. It is basically a home brew/winemaking competition featuring several different categories. You can enter beer made from a kit, beer from trad ingredients, wine from a kit and wine from trad stuff etc. Each category has subdivisions of local and non-local. Local is wine/beer made in Firth, non-local is wine beer made anywhere that is not Firth, ie the rest of the world!
We entered our 12 month old Elderberry and Sloe traditional wine (non-local, we live in Stromness which is not in Firth). Sadly we did not win a prize, and consider ourselves duly robbed. Anyhow, here is a selection of pics from the event. You may recognise a few shady characters....
Once you have bought your ticket, you can sample as much as you like...

The public get a voting slip and write down their favourites...

So many drinkies, so little time!

'Right, whit's this? Rhubarb and custard?'

Lots of Orkney folk still use the thick traditional bottles with the screw tops

Our Westminster MP Alistair Carmichael (spelling of Alistair? It's a minefield) enjoying the evening

You must be fu', you're all blurry

That's the very stuff for me!

Pea pod 2006 or Blue Nun? I know which I'd prefer....

Lots of folk enjoying the night

Here's the spittoon

No Orkney event is complete without a supper of some kind.

The bottles are collected up.....

The beneficial effects are felt

The lucky winner claims his prize

The last waltz

A fine night had by all, and many thanks to the Firth folk for hosting the event. I still think we wuz robbed, though.
Posted on Stromness Dragon at 20:06