Ok, so its a wee tad windy !
Posted: Thursday, 08 November 2007 |

This is all I can see from the office window, in fact its as good as it gets from any window today because they all have a lovely covering of salt. Its been windy but not as bad as was forcast, still the 80mph gusts were enough to shift the duck house, which ways 3/4 tonne a good 6 ft to the left.

Since we couldnt do much all else today, I set a lamb stew on the wood burner to cook away slowly for dinner, kids settled down to watch cartoons & movies all snuggled up in quilts on the sofa, then I retreated to the chilly studio (windmills both get turned off during windstorms) for a wee play. This is to be the front cover of a sketchbook, Lutrador painted on the reverse with spent procion dyes, on the front I free machined on some lace motifs, distressed scrim & some teased kozo bark, painted with semi thick acrylic mix, added some embossing powders, touches of 3d medium, attacked with the heat gun, brushed with gold markal & its now curing.
Posted on Fair Isle in Stitches at 16:22
Indeed, not too bad as Fair Isle storms go. The Met Office were spot on with their forecast, warning of severe gale or storm force winds with gusts of 70-80mph, and the risk of gusts as high as 90mph in the most exposed parts. Storm F10 here on Fair Isle at midday, with a gust of 93mph.
Dawadderman from Fair Isle
Achh see, ive said all along, channel 4 cant get a forcast right for up here !
Hope the new tower held out ok.
Angela from Sat in the office cos its cosy.
So did the windmills generate enough electricity for the whole year?
CVBruce from CA, USA
Fair Isle has no link up with the national grid at all. If there is no wind the big generators come on & provide the island with power during the day.
Angela from Next to the heater !
bad weather
Sirrel from london
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