I can breath !
Posted: Tuesday, 29 January 2008 |
Well, after a sound sleep of some 14hrs I am feeling more than a little bit like myself again, I can move without ache and the ability to breath is returning.
The good news - The first batch of eggs to go into the incubator - 100% fertility and a few of them are from new stock just starting to lay.
Something to pass on for uk folks - Get your kids to make the school aware of this - http://www.yearoffoodandfarming.org.uk/Default.aspx
We are trying to get the High school kids home tomorrow, the weather is really closing in for a really awful spell yet again & it looks like its going to last a while so tomorrow am will prob be the only chance they have of getting in all week, trouble is, despite the parents requesting an am flight home, they put on an afternoon flight, when the hail, heavy snow & thunder is due to strike, so chances are that the kids will not get home at all. Will just have to sit here with fingers & toes crossed & hope something happens to delay the weather an or so.
Posted on Fair Isle in Stitches at 11:18
Where do the children stay during the week? And can they stay there if they are not able to get home?
Jill from EK
Jill there is a boarders hostel out in lerwick where the kids from outlying islands stay & yep, if they get stuck they just stay there.
Angela from waterfall ?
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