The weather man says....
Posted: Wednesday, 30 January 2008 |
From the San Francisco Chronicle February 1. "Mayor Newsom has signed a resolution passed unamimously by the Board of Supervisors opposing cramming egg laying hens into tiny cages." SF is the fourth Calif. city to do so. The others are Santa Cruz, Berkeley and West Hollywood. Cheers.
TiredFather from Eggzackly Here
TF Thats brilliant news ! there should be an all over worldwide ban on battery egg production.
Angela from Fair Isle
Yes! As long as it is closely followed by similar for meat birds. Also, people buying processed chook, as opposed to uncooked, find it harder to connect with welfare issues and ALL labelling needs to be much clearer so we have a genuine choice to make. After HF-W's programmes I thought the Co-op promised to alter their deceptive 'Elmwood' labels, but I still see blue skies and green grass (implying outdoors) and reading the label reveals no adherence to any recognised animal welfare standards at all!
Flying Cat from Free Range Pussies