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16 October 2014

Improving Island Life

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Hello Again and ý Censoring

We must apologise for our absence from this “blog” for some two months. The reasons for this are numerous.

Firstly, we have been attempting various renovations and extensions on our little home here on Bute (e.g. a second bathroom, a conservatory and a fifth bedroom), and have had an absolutely disgraceful time with so called “tradesmen”. I now give every tradesman I contact an Agreement to sign before I engage them. This penalises them for not attending when agreed and for late completion of the work agreed (I have some experience in the contracting business, you see). And to date, true, to form, not one of them has yet even had the decency to reply.

Secondly, I am sorry to report that M was thrown from her horse some weeks ago (down south), This has somewhat diverted my attention, in that I have had to make my own meals and suchlike. However, my particular grievance is as follows. M – her leg in plaster – fell asleep on a bench in Guildford Square. On my arrival to pick her up in the 4 x 4, I noticed that all kinds of rude and obscene scribbles had been secretly made on her plaster. These were signed “The Shinty Team”, whoever they are. I have been informed that they may be some kind of Glasgow gang visiting for the day, but in any event they should be ashamed of themselves. We would welcome any light to be shed on this disgraceful act.

And now to more important matters. You may remember that one of our contributions to this blog was censored by the ý, and that we promised to address this disgraceful matter.

Here is the censored text, except for TWO WORDS which I have omitted, in the belief that these were the words which caused the censoring. I defy the ý to censor the following. If they do, they should send the text to the blog and explain their reasons.

I have been told by the ý that these blogs have certain rules. These seem to include that one is not allowed to express one’s opinion unless it fits with the ý’s view of what “type” of opinions are allowed. Can the ý state that they will also follow such a rule e.g. they will only express opions where allowed by – say – the government? I think (and hope) not.

However, here is the text (less the two words);
“Now, I must admit that this a little "bee in our bonnet".

M and myself love to dine out on a regular basis (funds allowing), but dining on Bute seems to be very much a hit and miss affair. So, we intend to provide regular restaurant reviews, and we invite others to do the same in this column.

We will not, of course, divulge where and when we intend to inspect, but I would imagine that over the months we will cover

- Chandlers

- the two Chinese restaurants in town (we would rather someone else did this - a little downmarket for us!)

- the two Indian restaurants in town (ditto!)

- Bute's Italy, now that it has re-opened.

- Brechin's

- The Kingarth Hotel.

- The St Blanes Hotel

- The Victoria Hotel

- The Esplanade.

- The Waterfront

- That one behind the Discovery Centre.

Are there any others? Do you have any comments on such establishments?

To be frank, we are not sure about some of the above establishments, having passed by and looked in, but we will start with a blank scorecard and be totally impartial!

J and M”
Who can guess what – and where – the two words were? The reason for rejection, by the way, was “Adverising/Plugging”, which is a disgraceful and unfounded assertion.

Best wishes
J and M

Posted on Improving Island Life at 15:01


Hello J and M All contributions to Island Blogging are subject to the House Rules and Terms and Conditions. Signing up to use Island Blogging means all bloggers agree to abide by these guidelines. I can assure you that your contributions were not 'censored'. What does happen is that the House Rules and T and Cs, by which everyone contributing to the site agrees to abide, are applied. If you wish to blog and comment completely at will, there are other blogging platforms which you might find more suited to your needs. Our House Rules and T and Cs exist to safeguard bloggers and ensure that the boundaries of what is and is not acceptable on the site are clear. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and Island Blogging engenders debate through its posts (Lewis wind farms, ferry services, etc) and in the comments in response to those blogs. One thing which does not appear on Island Blogging or any ý website are restaurant (or any kind of commercial) reviews. If the content of this current post is similar to that of the failed blog, then it is most likely to be for this reason that the original blog was failed. Any future restaurant reviews will also not appear on the site for the same reason. Commercial promotion of any business or product is against ý Guidelines. Other outlets for such reviews are widely available and these, as already stated, may provide a more appropriate forum.

Carol from IBHQ

1) well written,namesake: 2) now i'm convinced you two,like another blogger who has another blog are acting like this just to wind people up

carol --the other one from over here

Forget the restaurants. What I want to know is who would be so down and out as to live in a five bedroom house with only two bathrooms. I mean: are guests supposed to take a number or wait in a queue? Or are there mighty oak trees outside of sufficient girth to provide privacy? # I also resent the slur on Glaswegians. No resident of Glasgow would use markers on plastered leg, or plastered anyone: Glaswegians are proud to be able to tatoo bench snoozers without waking them up. Better check up the wife and see what souvenirs those Glaswegians left on the skin.

mjc from IN, USA

Well its either that or you are the sort of people our islands could well do without! I suspect the latter.

Flying Cat from My Little Home

You cannot be serious! FIVE bedrooms and only two bathrooms!

John from The tennis court

Mr M, if I was you I'd write to the bounders at the EBC and complain!

Henry Root from Clear Bluewater

This blog is a wind up, yes? "(we would rather someone else did this - a little downmarket for us!)" Boy, I didn't know such snobbery existed, I'm glad you don't live on this island. I think the story about the plaster cast is hilarious.

IA from up a bit and left a bit

Personally I never read restaurant reviews (pretentious rubbish) just go on friends recomendations.

A from Here

Joanna Blythman doesn't write pretentious rubbish...

Flying Cat from Sunday Blag

This blog is now closed and we are no longer accepting new posts.

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