Liv Jones
Age: 22 Played by: Siwan Morris
Where is she now?
Went back to University in Trefforest.
Liv grew up in Bryncoed and is personally and politically committed to the area. Her dad was a trade union leader during the miners' strike and Liv inherited a lot of his social values. She successfully completed her Anthropology degree at the University of Glamorgan and was elected to act as the college's Student Welfare Officer for a year. Liv is intelligent, confident and outgoing, and being genuinely interested in people threw herself into the job. Just over a year ago, while still a student, Liv was sexually assaulted by the boyfriend of one of the girls on her course. The only people she ever told about this were her sister Sasha and then, in series 2, Owen. She later felt very betrayed when he eventually came out to her, as she'd been very truthful and open from the outset and had given him every opportunity to be the same with her. The sexual assault, coupled with the doomed relationship with Owen, left Liv more nervous than ever about getting involved with men. Partly out of this fear she chose to retain her strong friendship with Owen but ultimately found this too hard to handle.
