Beat it...

I was also delighted when I found out that one of our listeners was in the video for Mull of Kintyre. I know it's an overplayed track and not one of McCartney's most cred compositions but it was good to hear it tonight and for me brought back some sweet memories of Christmas 1977.
Tomorrow is the last day of our 12 days of Christmas and it's 12 drummers drumming so I'll be asking for your suggestions about drumming, rhythm and beats.
Comment number 1.
At 19th Dec 2011, Scotch Get wrote:Previously on the Blog....
Martin in Dunfermline,
It seems the words are closely related! I have read dictionary definitions of centrifugal & centripetal and can make sense of neither.
I have also consulted online lyric sheets, and the answer depends on the site.
However... having listened to the song a few times, (paying particular attention to the source of this dispute), I am convinced that Faith Hill is employing the word centrifugal.
Perhaps the confusion arises from her strange (to our ears) pronunciation, where she places the emphasis on the second syllable.
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Comment number 2.
At 19th Dec 2011, JuliefromEdinburgh wrote:Asked for quite a few times before...a track with drumming to the fore...very energetic, good stuff...
The Walkmen - 'The Rat'
Or...a Christmassy second-choice...Julian Casablancas - 'I Wish It Was Christmas Today'
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Comment number 3.
At 19th Dec 2011, dale_kelvin wrote:#1 @ ya SG
anybody thats been to the carnival and went on the 'rotor' gets slammed into the wall by the centrifugal force........the force acting away from the centre....hence ye get stuck tae the wall.
the centripetal force acts in the opposite direction........towards the centre.
a word of caution.......should you ever go on a 'rotor' whose centripetal force is greater than the centrifugal force then you'll end up in a mass of tangled bodies in the centre as if you were being dragged roond and roond like they auld twin-tub washing machines.
i used tae get that drummed intae me
cheers frae the dale
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Comment number 4.
At 19th Dec 2011, Scotch Get wrote:TUESDAY
An Irishman and his bodhrán. What more do you need?
Lanigan's Ball - Christy Moore
Classic SAHB
Framed - Sensational Alex Harvey Band
Rompin' Stompin' Southern Rock!
Saturday Night Special - Lynyrd Skynyrd
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Comment number 5.
At 19th Dec 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#3
I'm none the wiser, but thank you for trying!
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Comment number 6.
At 19th Dec 2011, DC wrote:#5 fill a bucket with water and swing it around. If ye don't get wet, your centrifugal force is working fine because the water stays in the bucket.
the bottom of the bucket is exerting a centripetal force on the water to stop it burstin through
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Comment number 7.
At 19th Dec 2011, Madmacfaeclydebank wrote:Dr Evil has Austin strapped down to a large rotating disc (in classic fashion).
Dr Evil: Mr. Powers this disc will begin rotating and the arising centrifugal force will crush every bone in your body!
Powers: Centrifugal force is simply a myth taught by overzealous science teachers. It does not exist.
Dr. Evil: On the contrary Mr. Powers with a simple change in the coordinate system and the inertial reference frame, the centrifugal force will exist.
Powers: Well do you expect me to do coordinate system calculations in my head while strapped to a giant disc!?
Dr Evil: ÌýNo Mr. Powers I expect you to die!Ìý
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Comment number 8.
At 20th Dec 2011, paolopablo wrote:Little drummer boys?
I am / aerials up
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Comment number 9.
At 20th Dec 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#6
There's a hole in my bucket.
Mars Bonfire,
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Comment number 10.
At 20th Dec 2011, gaie wrote:youse are not paying attention, it's songs about drumming etc
Kick Drum Heart - The Avett Brothers
Beat the Devil's Tattoo - Black Rebel Motorcycle Club
Rhythm Guitar -
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Comment number 11.
At 20th Dec 2011, norriemaclean wrote:Welcome aboard the starship Boney M! Keith Forsey on drums:
Boney M. - Nighflight to Venus
and also on this classic:
Sparks - No.1 Song In Heaven
he later wrote Dont You Forget About Me.....
Enjoy Phil Collins first try at his In The Air Tonight drum track on the brilliant:
Peter Gabriel - Intruder
The best drumming on a Paul Simon track:
Paul Simon - The Obvious Child
and I am reminded of this great track, best version
Chris Farlowe - Out Of Time
and I do love a lot of Adam and the Ants or just Adam Ant but any chance of giving Antmusic a rest on this theme?
Adam and The Ants - Kings Of The Wild Frontier, which has a superb b side.....
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Comment number 12.
At 20th Dec 2011, Madmacfaeclydebank wrote:@ ya Gaie, you're quite correct.
Drummers drumming
He's Gonna Step On You Again - Johnny Kongos, I think Gaie will approve ;-)
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Comment number 13.
At 20th Dec 2011, paolopablo wrote:On the rare occasions my son has the time to visit his old man we inevitably talk music. I once asked him to name one song that he would take to his desert island for the drumming alone. His answer rather surprisingly for a guy in his mid 20's was
50 ways to leave your lover / Paul Simon
but then he thinks Steve Gadd is a god.
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Comment number 14.
At 20th Dec 2011, Madmacfaeclydebank wrote:& Paul?
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Comment number 15.
At 20th Dec 2011, ericinelgin wrote:Rain On The Roof - Lovin' Spoonful
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Comment number 16.
At 20th Dec 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#11
No Showaddywaddy Norrie?
In fact, did we no have drumming as a theme quite recently? I seem to recall discussing bands with two drummers and Olodum backing Paul Simon on The Obvious Child.
Here Come The Drums - Rogue Traders
(in case we're allowed 'in the title')
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Comment number 17.
At 20th Dec 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#10
Chuck E. Weiss, who has played drums for Willie Dixon, Dr. John, Roger Miller, Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf et al. is the subject of a song called
Chuck E.'s in Love - Rickie Lee Jones
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Comment number 18.
At 20th Dec 2011, Will Power wrote:The Drums - Forever & Ever Amen
Florence & The Machine - Drumming Song
White Rabbits - Percussion Gun
Double drummertastic ☺
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Comment number 19.
At 20th Dec 2011, ericinelgin wrote:- Steeleye Span - From their album All Around My Hi-Hat
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Comment number 20.
At 20th Dec 2011, henri hannah wrote:#16
I think that's called
Vodoo Child - Rogue Traders
I think you're getting mixed up with a different theme - though it did involve a number of requests for Paul Simon - mine was 'Proof' and something else form the 'Rhythm of the Saints' got played.
What was that theme again?
regardez - youse
PS many thanks for all your messages of congratulation, much appreciated.
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Comment number 21.
At 20th Dec 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#20
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Comment number 22.
At 20th Dec 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#20
Here you go Henri. It was a few weeks ago:
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Comment number 23.
At 20th Dec 2011, norriemaclean wrote:Jeezo Adam - that is uncanny how similar my post is from last time AND I seem to have stolen some fellow bloggers contributions from that thread!!
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Comment number 24.
At 20th Dec 2011, ericinelgin wrote:#22
Worth a revisit for your "Plaque Is Plaque" alone.
Try to hold on for the holidays, Norrie.
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Comment number 25.
At 20th Dec 2011, gaie wrote:for the hard of hearing/reading....
'We're banging a drum and hitting a perfect beat tonight to close our 12 Days of Christmas theme - it's songs about drumming, beats, rhythm - rhythm of the rain, beating of your heart or perhaps the Little Drummer boy...We're sure your suggestions will be bang on the money!'
#12 yes, remember it well!
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Comment number 26.
At 20th Dec 2011, ericinelgin wrote:What a debt we owe you for bringing us unworthy bloggers the word of the great one.
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Comment number 27.
At 20th Dec 2011, Adam_from_Rio wrote:#25
Thanks for that Gaie. So its "songs about".
Probably too late now, but here's a bit of power pop from 79.
"Drummer Man" - Tonight
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Comment number 28.
At 20th Dec 2011, DC wrote:Tee groan
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Comment number 29.
At 20th Dec 2011, norriemaclean wrote:mAry chapin carpenter - the rythm of the blues
Waterboys - she bans the drum
Tracy chapman - bang bang
Bowie - bang bang
bowi - beat of your drum
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Comment number 30.
At 20th Dec 2011, CaptRamius wrote:#6 etc
While the frame of reference comment is relevant for the smart-a***s, from the FoR of the rest of the universe, the water in the bucket *in steady motion* is doing the following:
1) Trying to maintaining its state of straight line motion. This is at a tangent to the circle it's moving in - if the bucket disappeared, it would follow a straight line that just touches the circle at the point of release, at right angles to the line to the centre of the circle.
Remembering :
An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same (straight line) direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
The reason why it doesn't keep going in that straight line is because it's undergoing 3 forces
1) Gravity - when the bucket disappears, the water would follow a curve like the one emerging from a horizontally fired water pistol. Except it'd be in a lump, not a stream of water.
2) Upward force from the lower side of the bucket, balancing gravity. Remove the sides from your bucket and it'll fall out.
3) Inward force from the base of the bucket (actually, the system formed from the base of the bucket, the handle and the string/your arm), pushing the water inward. Lose the base of your bucket, and the water won't zap outwards, away from the centre of rotation at the moment of disappearance, but will follow the straight line as above.
The water is not pulling you out; you have to pull it in to stop it continuing in a straight line and conform to the circular path.
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Comment number 31.
At 20th Dec 2011, ericinelgin wrote:#30
And will you be getting the No 12 Meccano set this year from Santa to complete your half-size scale model of the Forth rail bridge or are you not allowed tools in there?
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Comment number 32.
At 20th Dec 2011, CaptRamius wrote:Right, DRUMS!
* Howard Jones - Pearl in the Shell Great snare intro
* Adam and the Ants - Kings of the Wild Frontier
* The Knack - My Sharona
* The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger
* Joan Jett & the Blackhearts - I Love Rock & Roll
Beautifully delicate percussion:
* Peter Gabriel - Mercy Street
Also very much worth a shout for Runrig tonight, with their double percussion setup:
* Runrig - Pride of the Summer
Beat the Drum/Snares loud and blaring etc
Fairly surprised m'fellow bloggers haven't gone all googly eyed over great drummers like Powell, Moon, Baker, Brzezicki and so on. And over Ringo.
Maybe it's because of the classic Muso jokes:
Q: What do you call someone who hangs out with musicians?
A: A Drummer
Q: How do you know if there's a drummer at the door?
A: The knocking gets faster
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Comment number 33.
At 20th Dec 2011, norriemaclean wrote:Peter Gabriel - Rythm Of The Heat
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Comment number 34.
At 20th Dec 2011, Scotch Get wrote:#32
Gaie is drumming her fingers whilst reading your #32. (see #25).
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Comment number 35.
At 20th Dec 2011, DC wrote:#30
well fix it, dear Captain, dear Captain, dear Captain,
well fix it, dear Captain, dear Captain, fix it
If this was the start of the weekend, I'm sure we could have re-written that song for the blog
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Comment number 36.
At 20th Dec 2011, Scotch Get wrote:Ìý
With what shall he fix it?
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Comment number 37.
At 20th Dec 2011, DC wrote:With Strawbs, dear Scotch Git
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Comment number 38.
At 20th Dec 2011, Scotch Get wrote:Ìý
From the Witchwood?
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