There are moments when I stop and try to take in how cool it can be sometimes working on The Chris Moyles Show. One of those moments happened this morning. Stood there on London's Embankment this morning at just past nine standing under the London Eye, after hitching a ride with Russell Brand, gawping at all the celebs while talking to Chris and the team live on Radio 1 contemplating which of the Comic Relief celebs to kiss live on
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Hello bloggerlogger people -
Today we had a cat in the studio. Not a real one but a toy one. Here's a picture of a pussy by the way. Now... Dave is a bit scared of them.

In fact - when Carrie was idly stroking it Dave found this very bizarre and looked a bit uneasy. Chris and I didn't mind at all and we let Carrie carry on...
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G'Day Bloggers - thought I'd start on a contemporary note given that its Australia Day and all. That is the only mention its getting though after those pommy bashers spanked us in the cricket. Give up the one day game boys its clearly not working!! Anyway if you heard the show this morning there was a debate about bladder size and the ability to hold it in so to speak. Well I'd like to contest Dave's theory from the loo...
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Hello to you bloggerloggers! Hope all is good with you! I have come up with a theory about food and weight and stuff. Before you poo poo it....consider it for a while. Then.... feel free to poo poo away!
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Hope all's well with you and you're not suffering too much from the cold? Don't forget that it's important to check on your neighbours at this time of year to make sure they're ok and haven't slipped on the ice or anything. Here at the Chris Moyles show we care about our listeners and the community as a whole, so our message during this cold snap is stay warm, stay and stay alive.
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Howdy blogsters I hope you're having a very nice Tuesday. I was meant to write my blog yesterday, but forgot so big apologies for that....
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Finally, there's light at the end of the tunnel for this whole Celeb Big Brother storm. As you may know Jade was evicted last night, and even if she hadn't it does genuinely look like Jade and Shilpa had made up and found common ground.

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You may have heard of a show currently showing on Channel 4 and S4C called .
Well yes, it鈥檚 well and truly kicked off. If I had posted in my a week ago that within the next 7 days Prime Minister Blair, Brown, the UK Parliament, and the Indian Government will all have made statements about Jade and the series or indeed that it鈥檇 be the lead story on rolling news Sky News and you would have thought I was taking all this a little too seriously.
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Hello to all bloggers and blogettes. Well here we go then with a little push for my down load choice! Dom's done his bit so I can't let him get a cheeky plug in without responding..So come on and down load Dexy's Midnight Runners and Come on Eileen - its a classic, we've all danced to it at a wedding - especially the bit when it gets faster and faster and you all stamp on the ground!!! And Dom's already admitted that he once quite fancied himself as the lead singer and donned dungarees and a neck scarf!! What an image! Funny he won't bring in the pictoral evidence on this! HA!!! Anyway lets see if we can get the Eileen into the chart then hopefully there will be some new dungarees for Dexy - he always looked like he needed a wash! And pity about that failed solo career!!
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"I am not a good dancer. But this song makes me try it anyway. Plus Loggins is a funny name"

As you may have heard on the show this morning a few things happened on Friday night's Big Brother that got me wound up.
What a prat. Seriously. For someone who clearly believes he's clever he hasn't given much thought to the fact that to emphasize how famous he thinks he is on national telly doesn't go down well.
Who would have thought the person describing himself as 鈥渦pbeat and fun鈥 at all times could be so bad tempered, foul mouthed and stroppy!
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Dear Webfriends,
Happy New Year. I hope you all had a joyous and pleasureful festive period and are now looking forward to the year ahead, which is the year of Crosswordoku. I've invented a new game which attempts to fuse the principles of number grids from the orient, with the traditonal crossword style word puzzles of the west. Why not have a go and see what you think?
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Hello to everyone in cyber space and a happy new year to you all!
Well we're back from 2007. A new cheesy song which is getting into everyone's heads and the return of car park catch phrase yay!! Everyone's feeling the early starts now though after some lovely time off..
But Dark Days you see in the title of this blog. Yes indeed - especially when it comes to all things football. Very concerned at the moment - results on the pitch not exactly going to plan - all the rumours off it that Jose's on his way in the summer. I have to agree with Mr Mourinho that after last night's abysmal effort saw Chelsea scrape a 1 all draw with Wycombe these are indeed dark days. Fair play to Wycombe though - was watching in the local last night with a beer and pizza and I have to say they played very well and made us look average.
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Hands up, honestly, who saw that coming?
Now, I learnt years ago that as an audience you lot disappoint me time and time again. Frankly I need to accept that we all vote on Big Brother by what we like aqnd dislike and not, like I'd wish as mini TV producers where we'd keep the interesting characters and get rid of the quiet dull ones! I even thought what with people voting for the ones they'd like to keep in that that would help ween the dull ones (Jack, Shilpa) out of the series.
But no. There I was in the Big Brother press room with all the usual hacks stunned when Big Brother called Jackiey into the diary room.
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Hello blogsters (漏 Dave), and if it's not too late in the year... Happy New Year!
It's my turn to do the blog today so I'm going to upgrade my for a day from my and share it with the Radio 1 audience by letting you know how the interview went between me and tonight's evictee from the Big Brother house.
I was convinced it would be Shilpa, but with his impression of an uninteresting, lifeless sack of spuds going down a storm Jack might just be the one!
Find out tonight as I blog from the back of my taxi at around 11:30pm!
A very good early morning to you. I've put my title as 'whoops', as I was meant to do the blog yesterday after the show and I totally forgot. Apologies to colleagues, friends and listeners.
Now as it is 5:30am this could be a bit waffly, but anyway....
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Hello Bloggerloggers - happy 2007. Hope you all had a nice Christmas and are enjoying 2007. So - the show started back today. We were all really excited to be back actually. As you may have been hearing this morning - i've had a bit of a semi-religious experience. It all happened after I got out of the shower....
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