
Archives for September 2008

The Prime Minister

Paddy O'Connell | 15:35 UK time, Tuesday, 30 September 2008


Is going to speak to the ´óÏó´«Ã½'s Nick Robinson. We're expecting the interview for part two of PM. The Irish Government's guaranteeing all deposits in the country's banks and all money borrowed by those banks from other financial institutions. What's the UK's position on that?

The Glass Box.

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Eddie Mair | 13:56 UK time, Tuesday, 30 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above. Add your comment here.

Shock as ´óÏó´«Ã½ posts non-financial post on PM blog. No money here. Nope. Don't look here for money news. The cupboard's bare. Stop looking here for financial disaster news.

Paddy O'Connell | 10:15 UK time, Tuesday, 30 September 2008


PM needs your straplines.

PM: News and views and views on news.
PM: Prompt and meaningful
PM: From pips to bong to tell you what's going on.
PM: Separating the yolk of fact from the white of fiction.

Carolyn's back in the chair on Thursday, Eddie's back in a week or so. I've got two days to gather up the straps and put them into the Random Strapline Generator. (RSG) It's the sentence that pops up on the webpage.

(Thank you for advice and gentle treatment, this is where it gets serious.)

What happens if I press this button ....

Paddy O'Connell | 13:56 UK time, Monday, 29 September 2008


.. for my first blog posting?

Thank you if you've posted a welcome or blog tips ... for instance this from ValerieP: "We don't bite .. most of us." We had a Westie like that years ago. The ´óÏó´«Ã½ blog guru emailed with advice on how to take baby blog steps. I won't repeat them, but I did think .. what one thing would you pass on? More soon .......

The Glass Box.

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Eddie Mair | 13:55 UK time, Monday, 29 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above. Add your comment here.

Save or the pig gets it...

Marc | 12:14 UK time, Monday, 29 September 2008



(Paddy O'Connell, for it is he, writes...)

May I sit down here, and simply say hello on my first foray into the blog?

Everyone who normally hosts PM is away, and so if I had to sum up the programme today in an image it would be of this piggy bank. Everything it stood for has been turned on its head, and you'll know the reasons why. Tonight we'll look at the latest financial developments.

Does it seem to you that future generations, or even PM listeners under the age of 45, are going to pay a higher proportion of the bill? They're the ones who will retire later and now taxpayers must prop up the banks?

If you're at all interested, I'm not yet authorised to post on the blog myself. Marc is filtering this, so he might have altered it, and made it look foolish.


The Furrowed Brow.

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Eddie Mair | 05:39 UK time, Monday, 29 September 2008


The place for serious talk.

The Glass Box.

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Eddie Mair | 13:52 UK time, Friday, 26 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above. Add your comment here.

It's ecstasy

Sequin | 10:08 UK time, Friday, 26 September 2008


Ed's the ringmaster on Any Questions tonight so I'm in his chair at TVC today. A brief stop before me and my marantz head off to Birmingham for the Conservative Party conference.
One of the stories we hope to cover tonight is the question about how drugs are classifed . The Government's drug advisory group, the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs is meeting today to examine the harm caused by ecstasy, and could
eventually recommend that it is downgraded from class A to class B.

On another matter and to satisfy my curiosity, and in case I get the chance to ask the relevent person, what questions would you like to put to the Tory front bench team ( keep it clean!) when I get to Birmingham? Anything you like or dislike about David Cameron's management of his party? When I cover the conference for PM next week I shall endeavour to seek some answers.

see you later,

The Beach.

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Eddie Mair | 06:35 UK time, Friday, 26 September 2008


Hello. Welcome to my beach.
It's a place to take all your inhibitions off and run into the sea and have a dip...
Go to the bar have a drink or just lay down and sun yourself...
because the sun always shines on the beach.
Be nice.
Say nice things.
Have a nice day.

The Glass Box.

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Eddie Mair | 14:55 UK time, Thursday, 25 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above. Add your comment here.

Funny? Not funny?

Eddie Mair | 12:36 UK time, Thursday, 25 September 2008


What the hell is going on with the Cabinet...?

Eddie Mair | 13:44 UK time, Wednesday, 24 September 2008


Not that this Blog is in a position to criticise error messages on other sites......but if you go to the , put Cabinet in the search box on the top right, the click on the recommended link: "Learn about the Cabinet"...see what happens (well it was worth it at 1345)...

The Glass Box.

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Eddie Mair | 12:53 UK time, Wednesday, 24 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above. Add your comment here.

Vaccinate or not?

Eddie Mair | 12:10 UK time, Wednesday, 24 September 2008


vaccine.JPGThe Department of Health is very excited about its to vaccinate every 12 and 13 year old girl at school in England against cervical cancer.

But a Roman Catholic school in Greater Manchester has banned pupils from receiving the vaccine on its premises. Governors of St Monica's High School in Prestwich say it would be inappropriate for the injections to be administered there. Some Christian groups have criticised the vaccinations for encouraging sexual promiscuity.

We're looking at this story for tonight. There's more about it .

1605 UPDATE: Here is the coverage.

The Glass Box.

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Eddie Mair | 17:01 UK time, Tuesday, 23 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above. Add your comment here.

Gordon Brown's conference speech.

Eddie Mair | 15:00 UK time, Tuesday, 23 September 2008


If you heard it, let us know your thoughts here.


Eddie Mair | 13:09 UK time, Tuesday, 23 September 2008


What subscribers to the PM Newsletter have overheard...

Overheard at an exhibition today at the NEC - and coming from a cubicle in the ladies toilet: "NO! I'm on the TOILET on the phone!!"

Mother to child: "You touch everything you come into contact with."

My husband (asleep): "I've only got two and I ordered twenty!" Never did find out what they were...

Overheard a woman on a bus say " We've got some stuck in a potato in the bathroom". Years ago, but it still haunts me.

Overheard - "But we still haven't found the snake..."

I once overheard a woman telling her friend that her husband had called her a prostitute. She told her friend she ' was going to have him for definition of character '.

Just overheard in work, boss to someone on her team (a male): "Can I have a few minutes of your time in the meeting room please, and I want you to be totally honest...."

Read the rest of this entry


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Eddie Mair | 12:53 UK time, Tuesday, 23 September 2008


"Here is my dinner on Friday night, sardines, rice, mushrooms, peppers and cashew nuts with a very nice glass of slightly chilled white wine, mmmm...Dave and Jane Pugh from Halifax"

Read the rest of this entry


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Eddie Mair | 12:42 UK time, Tuesday, 23 September 2008


sends these: "We sometimes have very unusual dinners in our house!" We believe you Hilly.

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infamy, infamy.....

Sequin | 12:05 UK time, Tuesday, 23 September 2008


...they've all got it in for me.

Is that what the Prime Minister's thinking right now? I've just talked to one of his close aides who told me he was "rather chipper" but I get the sense that Mr Brown is actually being shielded from the worst excesses of the sniping against him.

David Miliband's appearance on PM yesterday was - how shall we say - "interesting" . He was the man who was everywhere yesterday - speech, fringes, posing for photographs, pressing the flesh with delegates. You could hardly move for bumping into him. Unfortunately just like the old bus joke, when we really wanted him, he wasn't there.

He was due to turn up to our ´óÏó´«Ã½ stand at 4.45pm to record the interview. No sign of him.
4.50 - no sign. Sweat breaking out on PM team brows.
4.53 - D. Miliband is spotted a few yards from the stand posing for photos with some of our Olympic heroes. Doesn't seem in a rush to get away.
Editor Nick Sutton steers him forcefully towards the stand, I just have time to sit him in his seat before we open the microphones and start recording. His aides said he couldn't stay to do a live interview because he was due on television at 5.05.


Anyway, today we turn our attention to a speech that a senior Labour figure told me last night can't "make " Gordon Brown but could "break" him. I'll be lurking by the stage with my tape machine - but I think my usual tactic of seeking analysis from cabinet members watching the speech might be a bit redundant today, don't you. Something tells me they won't all be perfectly truthful!

See you at 5

Hugh in Iraq.

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Eddie Mair | 10:57 UK time, Tuesday, 23 September 2008


Hugh is back in Iraq. He reported from Baghdad on PM on Monday. Here are his first thoughts, and photographs:

"It's more peaceful in Baghdad. But it's not secure. Anything can still happen here. And it does. But this visit began well. This was the ´óÏó´«Ã½ noticeboard when I arrived on Saturday:


Read the rest of this entry

Carolyn at the Labour conference.

Eddie Mair | 10:43 UK time, Tuesday, 23 September 2008


Here she is recording last night's interview with David Heseltine Miliband. Photographer Graham apologises for the soft focus...he was trying to avoid using a flash...


Eddie Mair | 17:50 UK time, Monday, 22 September 2008


Click HERE to read the comments from listeners, and to hear our Baroness Warnock interview in full.


Eddie Mair | 17:37 UK time, Monday, 22 September 2008


Too much or not enough?

The Glass Box.

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Eddie Mair | 16:19 UK time, Monday, 22 September 2008


Sorry that this disappeared earlier...here's a lovely new fresh one.


Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above. Add your comment here.

Scilly Radio.

Eddie Mair | 15:24 UK time, Monday, 22 September 2008


We're talking to them tonight about their big soap. Read more about it (under the big photo) and learn more about what they do.

Terrible, terrible news. just terrible.

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Eddie Mair | 13:02 UK time, Monday, 22 September 2008


The showbusiness bible, , reports on this year's Prime Time Emmy Awards. As you'll see (look for best supporting actor in a drama), there was no repeat of this wonderful moment. shatner.jpg


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Eddie Mair | 12:44 UK time, Monday, 22 September 2008


"Hello PM. For my tea last night I had chicken casserole and bread. It was yummy. Bye! Sarah Coomer, Lancaster"


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Eddie Mair | 11:37 UK time, Monday, 22 September 2008


yet related to the programme output, so that's ok.


Eddie Mair | 17:43 UK time, Friday, 19 September 2008


What do you think?


Eddie Mair | 14:30 UK time, Friday, 19 September 2008


On Radio 4's The World at One today, they had an item about people with dementia. Baroness Warnock, who has a long history in the field of medical ethics, had suggested in a interview that elderly dementia sufferers should be allowed to end their lives if they're a burden on the NHS and their relatives.

As it happens, there were a few problems during the item...and in the end, critics of the Baroness's views could be heard, but not the Baroness herself. baronesswarnock.JPG
Just after WATO went off air, we recorded an interview with the Baroness, which you can hear on the programme. People are already emailing in. If you want to add your comment, feel free. (By the way Baroness Warnock appeared in "The House I Grew Up In" on Radio 4 on Wednesday.

Here is Neil Hunt, the chief executive of the Alzheimers Society talking to Shaun Ley on The World at One: (just click on START)

And here is Lady Warnock's PM interview - just click on START:

The Glass Box for Friday.

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Eddie Mair | 14:29 UK time, Friday, 19 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above. Add your comment here.


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Eddie Mair | 10:48 UK time, Friday, 19 September 2008



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What's the lovely Lissa up to...

Eddie Mair | 10:05 UK time, Friday, 19 September 2008


the former Blogmistress extraordinaire?

WELL...you didn't hear this from me...but for two weeks she will be reading the news ....you'll find her at 3 minutes past the hour from 10.00 on Monday.

Here's Lissa at the interview for the job, with the station's head of programmes*

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The Beach.

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Eddie Mair | 06:24 UK time, Friday, 19 September 2008


The beach is a state of mind, where we escape from the must to the maybe and what if, where thoughts may be lightly etched on the shore or sculpted in the sand, admired and commented on by others, then swept away by the waves or jumped on by small children of all ages...

The Glass Box for Thursday.

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Eddie Mair | 14:25 UK time, Thursday, 18 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above. Add your comment here.


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Eddie Mair | 13:01 UK time, Thursday, 18 September 2008


This photo comes from Bill Gordon...and we owe Bill an apology. We couldn't get it to save when he first sent it. Then he kindly sent a pdf which didn't help. In the end I asked Jennifer from iPM who is very clever, and she said the original file was ENORMOUS but she was able to squish it.


Obviously in the process, we have cut off someone's head. Please forgive us Bill...but at least we managed to keep in the "Sausages, Mashed Potatoes (with gravy), Peas, Corgets with onions and tap water with a slice of fresh lemon." Sorry Bill.

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It's all about ME.

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Eddie Mair | 18:00 UK time, Wednesday, 17 September 2008


How do you fancy a web address.....yourname.me?


Petrol prices.

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Eddie Mair | 15:32 UK time, Wednesday, 17 September 2008


petrola.JPGWe'll discuss this tonight. PA reports: "Falls in the world price of oil have not been reflected at petrol pumps, the AA said today. Average UK petrol prices have barely fallen in a month despite oil prices going back down under the 100 US dollars a barrel mark, according to the latest AA fuel price report."

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Funny pips

Eddie Mair | 14:21 UK time, Wednesday, 17 September 2008


greenwich.JPGSomething odd happened to the pips this morning at 0800 on Radio 4. On PM tonight, we'll get to the bottom of it.

In the meantime, , written by a former ´óÏó´«Ã½ Broadcast Duty Manager.


Eddie Mair | 13:34 UK time, Wednesday, 17 September 2008


1334: Full text of the HBOS announcement, made via the Stock Exchange:

"In the light of market speculation, the Board of HBOS plc confirms that it is in advanced talks with Lloyds TSB Group plc which may or may not lead to an offer being made for HBOS.

A further announcement will be made when appropriate."

Robert Peston's stuff, as mentioned by Nils is here.


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Eddie Mair | 11:49 UK time, Wednesday, 17 September 2008


Sent by Christine Caulfield in Leeds.

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Speaka de Ingleesh?

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Eddie Mair | 11:45 UK time, Wednesday, 17 September 2008


The European Commission is facing a severe shortage of native English speaking interpreters and translators. Officials in Brussels say the situation is becoming so serious, that they will have to resort to using more interpreters from other countries or reduce the number of meetings they can hold every day.

They point to the drop off in students taking languages at GCSE since it was made optional in 2004 and the fact that English-speakers have little interest in learning another language.

Yvonne Murray will report for us from Brussels. She sends these words and photos too:

"Brian Fox, Director in Interpreters, at the Commission. He says he's also noticed a slide in the standard of English among new recruits. They have difficulty adapting their speech to the context i.e. moving from slang into a more formal register.

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The Glass Box for Wednesday.

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Eddie Mair | 11:43 UK time, Wednesday, 17 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above.

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David Cairns resigns.

Eddie Mair | 16:48 UK time, Tuesday, 16 September 2008


Here's his letter to Gordon Brown: cairns.JPG

"Dear Gordon

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The Glass Box for Tuesday

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Eddie Mair | 15:46 UK time, Tuesday, 16 September 2008


Credit crunch crisis crunch. Big Nige says: "So now we know where all the money has gone...Stuffed down the back of the Glass box sofa!"

Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above.

Read the rest of this entry

Hard at work ..

Sequin | 14:08 UK time, Tuesday, 16 September 2008


at the Liberal democrat conference in Bournemouth. The ´óÏó´«Ã½ stand is in the centre of the exhibition hall. Later I'll be talking to Simon Hughes the current party president here and trying to set up a debate between the two candidates vying for his job.

I'll be here when I speak to you at 5.30...

bbc stand.JPG

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More dogs.

Eddie Mair | 14:05 UK time, Tuesday, 16 September 2008


There was a lot of comment on THIS post from yesterday - and here's an update - a news release from the Kennel Club:


The Kennel Club is lodging a complaint to Ofcom in respect of the recently broadcast programme 'Pedigree Dogs Exposed' (´óÏó´«Ã½1) in view of its unfair treatment and editing and failure to fairly and properly reflect the Kennel Club's deep commitment to the health and welfare of dogs and responsible dog ownership despite being made aware in detail of those efforts in advance of broadcast. Further, in the light of this programme, the Kennel Club is reviewing its contract with the ´óÏó´«Ã½."

There's more on the ´óÏó´«Ã½ programme .

Any Questions?

Eddie Mair | 11:00 UK time, Tuesday, 16 September 2008


Ann Leslie has a new book out - in the Daily Mail. This passage struck me:

"When it came to dealings with men, one of my more memorable encounters occurred when I was invited to appear on the ´óÏó´«Ã½'s Any Questions? programme in Scotland. My fellow guests included Robin Cook and the Tory MP and Solicitor General for Scotland, Nicholas Fairbairn....

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Eddie Mair | 10:27 UK time, Tuesday, 16 September 2008


Here is a "tea photo after the fact"...

"That's right, as you can see, we only remembered after we'd eaten it. Made with ingredients which included your actual genuine Old Kent Road home-grown purple sprouting broccoli leaves, and courgettes, with home-baked bread. Who would have thought it? Subhadassi"

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Tuesday morning.

Eddie Mair | 08:34 UK time, Tuesday, 16 September 2008


Fifi sends this postcard


of Rackwick in Hoy in Orkney..."slight tang of seaweed"...

and these beachy photos:


Meanwhile...the credit crunch. Martin Phillips emails: "Isn't it time the ´óÏó´«Ã½ came clean and admitted that the collapse of Lehman Brothers was wholly a result of their wreckless acceptance of I.O.U.'s from the Ambridge TEA scheme which have now proved worthless."

And Jonnie writes: Rupert and Dolly have read the Crufts thread with interest but decided that after Robert Peston's gloomy predictions they would find their own solution to the British winter together!

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The Zimbabwe document

Eddie Mair | 17:19 UK time, Monday, 15 September 2008


is , from the South African Broadcasting Corporation.


Eddie Mair | 16:17 UK time, Monday, 15 September 2008


Susi Willis emails:

"Eddie, As this article points out,

Read the rest of this entry

Is Crufts going to the dogs?

Eddie Mair | 14:28 UK time, Monday, 15 September 2008


Tonight we'll have a discussion about story - the decision by the RSPCA to pull out of Crufts amid concerns about the welfare of pedigree dogs. Feel free to add a comment.


(to avoid a lawsuit I should say that this is just a photo from the file - there is no suggestion that this dog or its owner are anything other than lovely)



The Kennel Club is lodging a complaint to Ofcom in respect of the recently broadcast programme 'Pedigree Dogs Exposed' (´óÏó´«Ã½1) in view of its unfair treatment and editing and failure to fairly and properly reflect the Kennel Club's deep commitment to the health and welfare of dogs and responsible dog ownership despite being made aware in detail of those efforts in advance of broadcast. Further, in the light of this programme, the Kennel Club is reviewing its contract with the ´óÏó´«Ã½."

And there's more

The Glass Box for Monday.

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Eddie Mair | 14:27 UK time, Monday, 15 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above.

We talk about the content of the programme and try to give an honest assessment of what worked and what didn't...the things we missed and the places where our ambitions were not met. THIS virtual glass box you are looking at is where you are invited - indeed encouraged - to be your own critic. Comment on our hour by clicking on the comment link. Members of the production team will read the comments, and the editor should comment too. Click on The Glass Box link on the right of the page to read previous entries.

London Fashion Week

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Eddie Mair | 12:43 UK time, Monday, 15 September 2008


is upon us again.

Nigel Wrench has been out and about for us and will be again for tonight's live report. (By the way Nigel's bird-house piece from Friday has been held over.) He writes:

"The Natural History Museum, this morning.
In the morning sunlight, a free daily paper for fashionistas outside London Fashion Week. Lead stories: "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" ("block pastels, ruffles, buttons, supersized earrings and trousers (sic) suits") and "Thin End of the Wedge", which reports "thin models were still noticed on the catwalk".

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Eddie Mair | 12:02 UK time, Monday, 15 September 2008


"Please find attached my tea consumed at 18.45 on 4-9-08 in Durham. Cliff Ludman."


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Eddie Mair | 11:43 UK time, Monday, 15 September 2008


sends this. It's Beach related...


Sleepy drivers, doctors on the net and superbugs

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Eddie Mair | 16:43 UK time, Saturday, 13 September 2008


are all in iPM - follow THIS LINK for more information and to share what you know.

Hugh Sykes gives a fooc.

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Eddie Mair | 16:42 UK time, Saturday, 13 September 2008


More .

The Glass Box for the Friday after Big Bang Day.

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Eddie Mair | 16:52 UK time, Friday, 12 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above.

We talk about the content of the programme and try to give an honest assessment of what worked and what didn't...the things we missed and the places where our ambitions were not met. THIS virtual glass box you are looking at is where you are invited - indeed encouraged - to be your own critic. Comment on our hour by clicking on the comment link. Members of the production team will read the comments, and the editor should comment too. Click on The Glass Box link on the right of the page to read previous entries.

Hugh Sykes

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Eddie Mair | 16:00 UK time, Friday, 12 September 2008


reported for PM from Isfahan on Thursday. Here's why he says he "wishes he could stay there:


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Music and jews.

Eddie Mair | 14:24 UK time, Friday, 12 September 2008


The role of music in Jewish life is hugely important. And an un-harmonious row is dividing ultra-orthodox Jews in Israel after several leading rabbis banned certain kinds of music, even religious songs. The rabbis say the use of modern instruments like drums and guitars to "distort" music, is dangerous and immoral. Wyre Davies will report for us tonight. As a blog extra, here is Rabbi Efraim Luft who appears in the piece, and is the list of dos and dont's.

Mussolini's palace, for the birds.

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Eddie Mair | 11:40 UK time, Friday, 12 September 2008


Nigel Wrench writes: "Something a little unusual in the woods. Rather splendid winter homes for animals, based on palaces built by (human) despots. Below is one of the artists responsible, Bruce Gilchrist, and Sandra Drew, director of Stour Valley Arts which commissioned the work. Both they and the sculptures will be on PM this afternoon.


And another shot of the Mussolini birdhouse. Pretty isn't it?

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Eddie Mair | 10:09 UK time, Friday, 12 September 2008


Helmut Heib in Deptford tells us "the 4 English sausages were from Somerfield's "Healthy Choice" option (4 g of fat & 90 calories per sausage), with crispy (i.e. not over boiled) red cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, baby corn and half a tin of baked beans. The dessert was 250g of Yeo Valley fat free yoghurt and a chopped apple - I couldn't be bothered to stew any apple tonight, you know how it is! By the way, the picture of my evening meal is OK but I was so looking forward to eating it the picture quality isn't quite as good as the picture of the dessert which was easier to shoot because my stomach wasn't rumbling by that point."

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The Beach.

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Eddie Mair | 05:44 UK time, Friday, 12 September 2008


beachaaaaaaaa.JPG"Welcome to The Beach, a very special place on the PM Blog.
The sun shines, the drinks are free, there are more than enough sun loungers and hammocks to go round, and the camels are friendly. So, take a break from your day to day stresses and strains and relax.
There are only two rules; 1) be nice to everyone, and 2) don't eat the petunias."

Fire in the Channel Tunnel.

Eddie Mair | 16:49 UK time, Thursday, 11 September 2008


Thankfully, as far as we know, no injuries. That's good. But if you're planning to use the tunnel any time soon, there will be problems. ´óÏó´«Ã½ News coverage .

Inner City Life. Part Three.

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Eddie Mair | 15:32 UK time, Thursday, 11 September 2008


edinburgh.JPGIn the final part of our series looking at life in the inner city, we'll hear from Tom Saif who runs a small convenience store in the Granton area of Edinburgh.

The Glass Box for Thursday.

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Eddie Mair | 15:20 UK time, Thursday, 11 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above.

We talk about the content of the programme and try to give an honest assessment of what worked and what didn't...the things we missed and the places where our ambitions were not met. THIS virtual glass box you are looking at is where you are invited - indeed encouraged - to be your own critic. Comment on our hour by clicking on the comment link. Members of the production team will read the comments, and the editor should comment too. Click on The Glass Box link on the right of the page to read previous entries.


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Eddie Mair | 11:42 UK time, Thursday, 11 September 2008


Sally Abbott shows us her "Grilled organic lamb, new potatoes, organic carrots, pickled cucumbers - delicious. I've just finished eating it."


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We will take away their radios.

Eddie Mair | 10:26 UK time, Thursday, 11 September 2008


Call to the listener log:

"Re. Service for Troubles soldiers: "I was unhappy that Eddie Mair mentioned that PM Gordon Brown and David Cameron had attended this service, yet he failed to
mention that members of the Liberal Democrat Party had also attended. The
Liberal Democrats are the third largest party in the UK and not giving them a
mention showed bias."

Here, in fact, is all I said about the service:

"The role of more than than 300,000 service men and women who served during the Troubles in Northern Ireland was recognised today in a service at St Paul's Cathedral. 2,000 veterans and their families were there to remember those who died-and survived during Operation Banner-the longest campaign in British military history.Our correspondent John Andrew has been following the day's events:"

An ass at the ´óÏó´«Ã½.

Eddie Mair | 10:25 UK time, Thursday, 11 September 2008



Peter White at the...

Eddie Mair | 08:01 UK time, Thursday, 11 September 2008


peterm.JPG....Paralympic Desk of Sport....?

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Eddie Mair | 07:42 UK time, Thursday, 11 September 2008


It could be more serious than you think.

Big Bang.

Eddie Mair | 15:15 UK time, Wednesday, 10 September 2008


No. NOT this:

Radio 4's BIG BANG DAY is HERE.

Inner City Britain.

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Eddie Mair | 15:08 UK time, Wednesday, 10 September 2008


Tonight, Michael Buchanan continues his series looking at what life is like in inner city Britain. We'll hear from Joneal Bryan, a 20 year old student from Peckham in south London.


Big Bang.

Eddie Mair | 13:42 UK time, Wednesday, 10 September 2008


An email arrives:

"Dear PM,
I've immensely enjoyed the coverage of the LHC startup. I used to work at CERN, but escaped in 1995. I thought you might be amused by this email I received from an old friend who works at the coalface of one of the LHC detectors:

Hi Doug,
nice to hear from you. How are the kids?
We've been very busy but now we are pretty much ready. Today it's chaos, indeed. The control room is full of people I never saw, probably trying to be interviewed, in their best cloths. So I escaped.
See you,

**** Name withheld"


Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 11:46 UK time, Wednesday, 10 September 2008


Rory Dryden sends: "Mackeral, leeks,carrots, potatoes and fruit for tea tonight."


Read the rest of this entry

The Glass Box for Wednesday.

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 11:01 UK time, Wednesday, 10 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above.

We talk about the content of the programme and try to give an honest assessment of what worked and what didn't...the things we missed and the places where our ambitions were not met. THIS virtual glass box you are looking at is where you are invited - indeed encouraged - to be your own critic. Comment on our hour by clicking on the comment link. Members of the production team will read the comments, and the editor should comment too. Click on The Glass Box link on the right of the page to read previous entries.

Inner city life.

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 14:57 UK time, Tuesday, 9 September 2008



Michael Buchanan writes: "What's it like to live in the inner city? Frequently on PM and other media outlets we report the killings and violence that takes place in the inner city. But to what degree does that crime dominate the lives of those who live and work in the inner city? Over several weeks, we asked 3 people in Liverpool, London and Edinburgh to record what it was like to live in the inner city. And over the next 3 nights on PM, we'll be broadcasting what they said. We kick off tonight with Colette Burgess (above), a single mother of 2 who lives in the Anfield district of Liverpool."


Eddie Mair | 13:59 UK time, Tuesday, 9 September 2008


From the Paralympic Desk of Sport...

Eddie Mair | 13:13 UK time, Tuesday, 9 September 2008


which will return with Peter White tonight, these snaps:

Peter with David Weir.

Read the rest of this entry

Buskers win prizes....

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 13:02 UK time, Tuesday, 9 September 2008


...or Nigel Wrench writes that they "just might do this evening at the Nationwide Mercury Prize. They're called Portico Quartet, rank outsiders among the 12 nominees, former stars of the pavement on the South Bank in London.


Read the rest of this entry

Food. And more...

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 12:31 UK time, Tuesday, 9 September 2008


...here are more of the food pictures we've been sent by listeners.

Addy Osborne doesn't do things by half. Here is "My dinner in my lorry":


Read the rest of this entry

Nigel N

Eddie Mair | 12:26 UK time, Tuesday, 9 September 2008


writes: "Not quite a postcard, but still a photo from my travels. Whilst walking the streets of Avignon in the South of France a couple of weeks ago looking for photographic subjects, I was approached by the character on the left who, after confirming that I was "Anglais", asked me in English if I would take their photograph. Perhaps they could be given their moment of fame by appearing on the PM Blog?"

The Glass Box for Tuesday

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 12:25 UK time, Tuesday, 9 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above.

We talk about the content of the programme and try to give an honest assessment of what worked and what didn't...the things we missed and the places where our ambitions were not met. THIS virtual glass box you are looking at is where you are invited - indeed encouraged - to be your own critic. Comment on our hour by clicking on the comment link. Members of the production team will read the comments, and the editor should comment too. Click on The Glass Box link on the right of the page to read previous entries.

More on tonight's main news

Eddie Mair | 16:41 UK time, Monday, 8 September 2008



Housing market.

Eddie Mair | 16:39 UK time, Monday, 8 September 2008


You'll hear Robert Peston's interview in PM: read more from Robert on his blog.

The Paralympic Desk of Sport

Eddie Mair | 14:21 UK time, Monday, 8 September 2008


will be on the air tonight...Peter White's yer man. with oodles more.

Broadcasting in Scotland

Eddie Mair | 12:37 UK time, Monday, 8 September 2008



will be discussed tonight. You can read the full report and the ´óÏó´«Ã½ News report .

1320 UPDATE: "Here's my personal Scottish reference - my son, born in Scotland, living in England, ready to go to his school Prom. Very best wishes to all at PM from Gillianian." robbie.JPG

Read the rest of this entry


Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 12:03 UK time, Monday, 8 September 2008


dinneri.JPG Craig Sheaf sends this: "On holiday in Chedder Gourge. BBQ's morning & evening. The weather isn't grinding us down. Tally ho!!!"

Read the rest of this entry

The Glass Box for Monday.

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 12:03 UK time, Monday, 8 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above.

We talk about the content of the programme and try to give an honest assessment of what worked and what didn't...the things we missed and the places where our ambitions were not met. THIS virtual glass box you are looking at is where you are invited - indeed encouraged - to be your own critic. Comment on our hour by clicking on the comment link. Members of the production team will read the comments, and the editor should comment too. Click on The Glass Box link on the right of the page to read previous entries.

More from Michael Buchanan's Libya trip...

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 11:58 UK time, Monday, 8 September 2008


"Friday night in Tripoli was a riotous affair - Green Square was packed with football supporters celebrating Libya's 1-0 win over Ghana in a World Cup qualifying match"

Read the rest of this entry

Poetry, elections, heroes and washing-up liquid?

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 16:19 UK time, Saturday, 6 September 2008


It's iPM you're after. Click HERE.


Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 15:04 UK time, Friday, 5 September 2008


Here are the first we were sent yesterday:

Gordon Ross: "Here's a photo of my fish, ginger & spring onions"

Read the rest of this entry

Hugh Sykes is in Iran

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 13:58 UK time, Friday, 5 September 2008


and reported for us last night on women in the country. He has sent these photographs that go with it:


And you can read more from Hugh .

Read the rest of this entry

Michael Buchanan is in Libya and will report from there tonight.

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 10:42 UK time, Friday, 5 September 2008


He sends these words and pictures:

"Libya, during Ramadan, is a country turned on its head. The main square is dead at midday but thriving at midnight. Business and leisure is conducted at night - this football game was being played at 2am the other night.

Read the rest of this entry


Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 09:40 UK time, Friday, 5 September 2008


At some point, we will decide what to do with all these FOOD photos..but in the meantime, here is the solution to yesterday's food puzzle.

Ryan's lunch:

was a chicken bagel with taragon and garlic, and "Italiany peppers" as he describes them.

Stuart had home made leek and potato soup, used making a hand-held whisk:


1110 UPDATE: Stuart has asked me to make clear it is an electronic hand-held whisk, not one of those manual ones. That would have taken ages.

The Glass Box for Friday.

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 08:05 UK time, Friday, 5 September 2008


"soup and a bagel":


Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above.

We talk about the content of the programme and try to give an honest assessment of what worked and what didn't...the things we missed and the places where our ambitions were not met. THIS virtual glass box you are looking at is where you are invited - indeed encouraged - to be your own critic. Comment on our hour by clicking on the comment link. Members of the production team will read the comments, and the editor should comment too. Click on The Glass Box link on the right of the page to read previous entries.


Eddie Mair | 05:52 UK time, Friday, 5 September 2008


photos and words from Michael Buchanan in Libya, Hugh Sykes in Iran...and we'll work out what the hell we're going to do with more than 100 photos of PM listeners' meals...

The Beach.

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Eddie Mair | 05:51 UK time, Friday, 5 September 2008


All we ask is that you be nice to everyone.

Can photographing your food help you lose weight?

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 14:29 UK time, Thursday, 4 September 2008



There's an interesting piece in the , and we'll talk about it tonight.

If you have a photo of your tea...or dinner...please send it to pm@bbc.co.uk. And to inspire you, here are the lunches (or dinners) of Ryan, who is editing tonight, and Stuart, who is our tip-top researcher.

The question is, I suppose, what DO you think these ARE?

The Glass Box for Thursday.

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 14:29 UK time, Thursday, 4 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above.

We talk about the content of the programme and try to give an honest assessment of what worked and what didn't...the things we missed and the places where our ambitions were not met. THIS virtual glass box you are looking at is where you are invited - indeed encouraged - to be your own critic. Comment on our hour by clicking on the comment link. Members of the production team will read the comments, and the editor should comment too. Click on The Glass Box link on the right of the page to read previous entries.

Roberto in Miami - thank you.

Eddie Mair | 12:27 UK time, Thursday, 4 September 2008



Salad Safety.

Eddie Mair | 17:30 UK time, Wednesday, 3 September 2008


salad.jpg We're talking about the safety of pre-packed salads in the programme tonight. Feel free to add your comment.

If you want to read more - you can see for yourself how the Press Association is reporting the story...and the statement we got this afternoon from the Food Standards Agency.

Read the rest of this entry

Eric Muir

Eddie Mair | 16:45 UK time, Wednesday, 3 September 2008


is a name I frequently use at the end of newsletters, checking into hotels, signing cheques etc. Its origin lies lost in the mists of time, when other members of a programme production team would tease me when people would phone up getting my name slightly wrong.

"I'm looking for Edward Muir". "Is Eric Mawer there?" "Eddie Muir?" "Can I speak to Edwin Mayer?" etc.

So I became Eric Muir. Then Dr Eric Muir. Then Sir Dr Professor Eric Muir and so it went on. Eric almost became another person. Perhaps he did.

Anyhoo - it's all been innocent fun and rightly, no-one has paid any attention...until this letter arrived from a well known charity inviting me to an event. Well, I say ME...


Ta-da! (It went to my junk email folder, sorry)

Eddie Mair | 16:27 UK time, Wednesday, 3 September 2008




The Glass Box for Wednesday.

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 16:15 UK time, Wednesday, 3 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above.

We talk about the content of the programme and try to give an honest assessment of what worked and what didn't...the things we missed and the places where our ambitions were not met. THIS virtual glass box you are looking at is where you are invited - indeed encouraged - to be your own critic. Comment on our hour by clicking on the comment link. Members of the production team will read the comments, and the editor should comment too. Click on The Glass Box link on the right of the page to read previous entries.

Scotland's legislative programme:

Eddie Mair | 12:55 UK time, Wednesday, 3 September 2008


tonight on the programme...read the blog of Brian Taylor, ´óÏó´«Ã½ Scotland's political editor.

Mrs Effingham sends...

Eddie Mair | 11:42 UK time, Wednesday, 3 September 2008


postcardbbb.JPG postcardaaa.JPG

Leaving school at 15....

Eddie Mair | 11:32 UK time, Wednesday, 3 September 2008


Children starting secondary schools in England this week will be the first to be legally required to stay in education until they are 17. There's more about it .

What I'd like YOUR help with is this: we would like to hear from you if you left at 15. Or 14. You get the picture. Maybe it didn't do you any harm...maybe you'd have killed for more education or training. Please leave your comment here. We may use a selection on the programme tonight.


Eddie Mair | 10:30 UK time, Wednesday, 3 September 2008


the 3G phone signal in this part of W12 is shocking. You can drive round the most obscure parts of Norway and get a perfect hi speed connection, but west London is more of a problem.

Why am I boring you with this?

It took till last night, outside the office, before I could email myself the photos of our belated blog birthday card. And annoyingly (yes that's twice) they haven't arrived. Will try again soon. Again - whoever sent it...along with all those stars...thank you.

Hugh Sykes in Iran.

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 12:19 UK time, Tuesday, 2 September 2008


Hugh Sykes is in Tehran for us - you'll hear some of his reports on PM, starting tonight. And in case you heard his radio postcard from Tehran on Broadcasting House at the weekend, here are some real pictures and more words from Hugh to fill in the gaps:

"Hossein and his 11-year-old daughter Hamdeh, at the Hazrat-e-Abdul Azim shrine in Ray, south Tehran.

It's one of the biggest and most important places in the entire middle east that Shia pilgrims visit.

The main bazaar in central Tehran.

Chahar-Rah Bozorg, "Big Intersection" at the centre of the bazaar.
Loud shouting and a clatter of carts. And a pomegranate juice vendor right in the middle.

Four fabric sellers in the bazaar.

Crockery store in the bazaar.

Terrible Tehran traffic. About 35,000 people die on Iran's roads every year..and there's one estimate of 26 motorcycle deaths in Tehran every day.
Iran population: about 70 million.

The Tehran metro


.....and immediately outside Taleghani metro station:

The former US embassy, where 52 American diplomats were held hostage for 444 days from Nov 1979 to January 1981.

The background symbols signify 'Islam'.

The end of the sentence reads: ...dignified the nation."

Self-explanatory. And - around town:


Solidarity with Palestinians: a Teheran mural showing the Palestinian boy Mohammed al Durrah, shot dead at the Netzarim crossing in Gaza in 2000.

Solidarity with Irish hunger strikers.

And here's a Tehran Bendy Bus! They used to have red double-deckers here. Boris, where are you??"

The Glass Box for Tuesday.

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 12:18 UK time, Tuesday, 2 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above.

We talk about the content of the programme and try to give an honest assessment of what worked and what didn't...the things we missed and the places where our ambitions were not met. THIS virtual glass box you are looking at is where you are invited - indeed encouraged - to be your own critic. Comment on our hour by clicking on the comment link. Members of the production team will read the comments, and the editor should comment too. Click on The Glass Box link on the right of the page to read previous entries.

This was sent in...

Eddie Mair | 11:56 UK time, Tuesday, 2 September 2008


If I could get my

Eddie Mair | 11:03 UK time, Tuesday, 2 September 2008


phone to send a photo or two to my email address, I would be able to share the Blog Birthday card which has just come in from a frogger.

The card is of a well-known tank engine...and has a "2" badge on it...and the envelope says it's for August 17th.

Just arrived, you say? There was a sticker on the front, explaining that due to insufficient postage, we had to pay £1.06...which I think explains the delay. Will post soon...but whoever you are...THANK YOU...especially for all the shiny stars.

Does this poem deserve to be axed?

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 06:03 UK time, Tuesday, 2 September 2008


Read more and comment HERE.


Eddie Mair | 16:19 UK time, Monday, 1 September 2008


damehelen.jpg In a magazine interview being publicised today, the actress Dame Helen Mirren makes a contribution to the debate about rape, based in part of personal experience. She had spoken previously about being a victim of date-rape and was asked in the interview whether she'd reported the incidents to the police.

"No, you couldn't do that in those days. It's such a tricky area, isn't it? Especially if there is no violence. I mean, look at Mike Tyson. I don't think he was a rapist. If a woman voluntarily ends up in a man's bedroom, takes all her clothes off and engages in sexual activity in bed with him she has the right to say "no" at the last second."

In those circumstances, if the man ignored the woman's "no", it was rape, but Dame Helen added:

"I don't think she can have that man into court under those circumstances."

The solicitor general, Vera Baird described Dame Helen's remarks as "dangerous" at a time when rape victims were being encouraged to come forward. We'll debate her comments tonight. Feel free to share yours here.

The Glass Box for Monday.

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 14:47 UK time, Monday, 1 September 2008



Be your own radio critic! Tell us here, frankly, what you thought of tonight's programme. In the PM office we meet every night at 1800 in the Glass Box you see above.

We talk about the content of the programme and try to give an honest assessment of what worked and what didn't...the things we missed and the places where our ambitions were not met. THIS virtual glass box you are looking at is where you are invited - indeed encouraged - to be your own critic. Comment on our hour by clicking on the comment link. Members of the production team will read the comments, and the editor should comment too. Click on The Glass Box link on the right of the page to read previous entries.

Our Middle East correspondent Tim Franks writes:

Eddie Mair | 12:14 UK time, Monday, 1 September 2008



"Think of horse and carriage rides for tourists and you might think of some of the great tourist destinations... Paris, Vienna, Central Park in New York. You might not think of Hebron, the Palestinian city under Israeli occupation. It's the most divided and dysfunctional city in the West Bank. But now the British Government has sunk twenty thousand pounds into a new scheme to try to bring tourists in by paying for horses, carriages and drivers. "

Tim has a report for us tonight.




Eddie Mair | 11:46 UK time, Monday, 1 September 2008


iPM listeners suggest things you haven't seen elsewhere...

Post categories:

Eddie Mair | 10:20 UK time, Monday, 1 September 2008


such as this item about the "green dot" on packaging....we do them...and then they appear .

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