This is a summary of subjects discussed and conclusions reached
by the members of the English National Forum.
1. Attendance
The English National Forum (ENF) met on Monday and Tuesday, 24-25
January 2005 at the 大象传媒's Media Centre, White City, London. Eleven
of the 12 members attended, with one apology and deputy
大象传媒 managers present throughout the main meeting on 25 January
were: Andy Griffee (Controller English Regions), Louise Hall (Secretary
English Regions), Fiona Lynch (Public Accountability Manager, English
Regions) and Bernie Fitzpatrick (Public Accountability Manager,
English Regions).
Nicholas Kroll (Director of Governance), Craig Henderson (Head
of Programming, English Regions) and Liz Munro (Head of Compliance
& Complaints, English Regions) attended for parts of the meeting.
2. Routine Business
Ranjit Sondhi reported on the main business conducted at Board
of Governors
during October, November and December.
Members discussed the raising of issues at an ENF VIP reception
on the evening of 24 January to which a number of senior 大象传媒 executives
and channel controllers had been invited.
Building Public Value, the 大象传媒's vision paper for its future, had
been discussed in detail at the autumn RAC meetings. Following this
several RACs held an additional meeting to discuss the proposals
in more depth. The chairs of these councils summarised their members'
Tessa Gordziejko confirmed she would chair the February meeting
of the External Assessors, who were looking at a number of the 大象传媒's
Community Buses, on behalf of the ENF. Louise Hall told members
who the assessors were and their professional backgrounds.
3. Main Agenda Items
English Regions Accountability Structure: Nicholas Kroll
updated members on the progress of the new Governance Unit which
had been set up to provide greater support and independence for
the Governors.
His teams would monitor performance, deal with regulatory issues,
help the Governors establish their areas of responsibility and build
relationships with the advisory structures in the Nations and Regions.
It would be fully operational by 1 April.
ENF members shared with him their views of the new Unit and the
implications for the advisory structure in the English Regions.
Building Public Value: Re-Prioritisation in the English
Regions: Andy Griffee presented members with an overview of the
impact of Building Public Value on the English Regions. He outlined
the savings, key issues and timetable he was working to, and the
potential English Regions' programme and service developments they
would allow for.
RAC Programme Reviews: ENF members summarised their views
of the 大象传媒's news coverage of the tsunami disaster and Jerry Springer
- The Opera. They went on to report on their members' reviews of
The Politics Show, Children in Need, British Isles: A Natural History,
Who Do You Think You Are? and Fat Nation.
ENF Presentation to the Board of Governors: It was agreed
that Richard Mais, Tessa Gordziejko and Keith Gilfillan would represent
the ENF at its Annual Performance Review with the Board of Governors
in April. Members discussed the key issues that had emerged from
their RACs so far. They would be included in the ENF Annual Report.
Draft RAC/LAC Business cycle 2005/6: Louise Hall presented
the draft 2005/6 business cycle which, with some minor amendments,
was approved.
ENF Seminar 2005: Louise Hall outlined the draft outline
and itinerary for the 2005 seminar which would explore aspects of
media literacy. Every RAC and LAC Chair would be invited, as would
an additional RAC member, at the Chairs' discretion.