My dad took us to Eire in August 1940 – being neutral Eire was taking in many children... During that...
My first direct memory was a Sunday in September when a lady and gentleman dressed in dark blue uniforms...
A tall Perimeter fence ran the length and breadth of Maydown Airfield sealing off from the rest of the...
I helped my uncle to salt the pig. We rubbed it with blocks of salt, with saltpetre on the bone joints,...
We were sent out in pairs to work for various farmers and we all became very good at stooking, pitching,...
My Grandad always told me stories about WW2, this one is special.When he was a child he lived in Berlin and...
My other uncle was a petty officer in the Royal Navy. Another memory I have is being at school listening to...
Greenford was near to all the ammunition factories on the Western Avenue and also RAF Northolt and so was...
Anyway, it was on display in Leeds City Centre somewhere, and Dad took me along to see it on Sat 14 Sep...
Like so many families we were evacuated from the city to get us out of harms' way for the duration.I...
We spent alternate periods in Port Isaac and Tadworth as the war ebbed and flowed but we were in the middle...
One Christmas after a lot of bombing at Manchester my friend and i went down to the town the morning after...
From our dining room window I used to watch MTB and DUKW hulls being towed out of the builder's yard...
After the air raid we all went back into the house, had a cup of tea, I went to bed and my...
We went back to our home in Warminster, an army town, and because our house was fairly large we had two...
I wasn't at home at the time. I did a lot of helping with these evacuees — particularly with the...
Bateman's Buildings was where the Americans did something with cooking; my aunt was engaged to a...
I remember the school produced a school magazine called 'The Evacuee'. We put our own words to...
The photograph is of many children in an aircraft hangar at the famous A.V. Roe factory,Greengate,in...
My mother was English and naturally would rather have gone to England to ‘do her bit’ for the...
I was 12 when war broke out on 3 September 1939, living on Waddon Road in Croydon, with my parents, younger...
Unfortunately he caught bronchial pneumonia and had to leave this position and went as a batman at the...