Part Three - Outer Garments. Other parts to this presentation can be found at: Part 1: A5957067 Part 2:...
In 1941 during one particularly bad night of the Blitz, my parents and I had to walk from Lambeth to...
Our food was served in large army tins, and we then had to wash them up in tubs of water. When D-Day...
I also remember seeing a flying bomb chugging away down the bottom of Highgate....
My father was a policeman in Battersea, and air raid siren was on top of the police station... We used to...
I worked at Filton airplane company in the wages department, I was there when it was bombed. My father was...
During the Battle of Britain we were able to watch the streams of high flying German aircraft flying...
It was early in 1944, I was 3 years old the youngest of 13, 8 girls 5 boys I was in bed...
When friends of Mum and Dad's , who we called Auntie Hilda and Uncle Sam from Bradford came to stay for...
I was born in Ballymena, more accurately in Harryville, which although part of Ballymena has always kept...
UNCLE JIM was born ERNEST JAMES RICHARDS on the 18th of December 1924 at Greenbank Nursing Home in...
The date 15/16April.I lived in Oxford Sreet,No34,with my parents.I was 15 years old.The sirens had sounded...
So to be sent to Wales with mountains and sea, was very peaceful....
That year they opened a nursery school for little children in Victoria Park –by then I was 10 I had...
Returned after 10 weeks — told it was because mother missed father but later discovered that 3...
The women and girls went into the cellar and the men and boys stayed upstairs. If there were two cellars...
My parents ran the pub, The Toll House in Coggeshall which was a really lively place to live. The Americans...
During the war children volunteered to help in many ways such as collecting old newspapersand magazines,...
Our cat would jump in the dolly tub under the kitchen table when he heard the siren.Dad would sometimes be...
We saw the Spitfires attatcking the Germans and hour an hour later came the incendiary bombs... A teacher...
I remember going to Sutton Valence, near Maidstone, to see my aunt. My aunt at Sutton Valence sent fresh...
Aunt Nell's name is Mrs. Spear with husband Alf, we are to endear... Yes, Dawlish was the place to be...