Running into the kitchen from the garden of our house at devonshire Way, Shirley I excitedly delivered the...
I was 5 years old watching my dad prune the roses in our garden when he told me that he would be...
One bright cold moonlit night, when one of the older girls was returning from a dance in Haywards Heath...
The town of Dorking in Surry, is only twenty-four miles from London, but it was deemed to be a safe area,...
During the Second World War, my father was a little boy growing up in East Yorkshire in the city of Hull....
My Mother told me to go to Groves and Whitnall Brewery at Regents Bridge, Manchester was burning. Became an...
I can vividly remember the searchlights criss-crossing the night sky looking for German aircraft and the...
German civilians were apparently so incensed by RAF bombings that they hung RAF POWs from trees... I...
It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in June 1944 and I was playing ball in the garden next door with Ray...
We had luggage labels on, and I took a teddy with safety pins stuck in him - I was allowed to buy...
After some time a rather small lady arrived, she looked the children over, pointed at my brother and I and...
My brother was a Bevin Boy. Peter & Rita Harper....
Ivy and Sadie's Story as Told by the Children of Strand Primary School: Memories of Belfast. But Ivy...
I remember the German and Austrian prisoners who made toys for the children of the village... Two...
Nearby we had a prisoner of war camp which had both German and Italian soldiers in it. I never had any...
I remember going on the train to visit him and the Station Master calling out ‘Cherry Halt’...
We had relatives who lived in London Dolly was my favouite beloved Aunty, Stella was her daughter, my...
I lived in South Norwood on the outskirts of London with my mother. We would visit my old aunt who lived in...
As a child I have memories of the Germans bombing Great Yarmouth, and being evacuated with my mother and...
Rose and her sister Jose were first sent to Chester where they were both very happy. She starved Rose but...
I can remember the bombing of the fields around Jenks' farm at Northwood. Everyone thought they were...
We called it "Going to bed" but it meant retiring to the garden Anderson shelter with another...