There was a shortage of books and paper... One strange aspect of experience was that we had very close...
I remember, in the late evening when the London blitz had started, kneeling on my bed with my brother, aged...
During the air raids, Barbara's mum would've packed a "Buzzer Bag". It would be full of...
We went to my aunty's house because there was a big cellar under the house so it was safe to be there...
In Ripon where I went to school there were two army camps, the Royal Engineers and the Royal Signals, which...
War impacted on all areas of life, I remember how it changed childhood for those of us at Salisbury Grammar...
Suddenly, there was a roaring noise from outside the house and Mum and Dad rushed to the window to open...
During the war I lived in a little village in Mid Sussex called Fletching, I attended the local village...
There was a German bomber, a Dornier, closely followed by a Spitfire... A German land mine had dropped on...
In 1942, a company of black soldiers, I think I should have said African American soldiers, were quartered...
We were taken to a London Railway Station by my dad who worked in Windsor making glasses for soldiers as he...
I was living in a villge called Danbury and one night we were woken by a hugh explosion and it was only...
The evacuees were outcasts at school. Lots of the evacuees didn't stay....
I was living in a villge called Danbury and one night we were woken by a hugh explosion and it was only...
My father throwing me to the pavement and covering me with his body when a doodle bug fell silent and...
Pamela Speedy's encounter with a German Bomber. Pamela Speedy was 11 years old when war broke out in...
The day war broke out it was a lovely sunny, Sunday morning and I was singing in Bedworth Parish Church...
I was born just at the start of the war in September 1939 and we lived at Puddletown in Dorset....
When mum paid, the lady would put the bill and money into a little box and press a button it would then...
On the train from London to the Midlands, about a dozen or so soldiers walked through the carriages and...
So, my mother decided that in future we would remain in the hall and see the film through... At this, my...