My father who was in the Royal Marines was posted to the Admiralty in London to guard Sir Winston Churchill...
Ack-ack alley was where the Germans could get to them, and the sobbing sisters was the noise the guns...
The Germans always started their attack at daybreak, so we always got up an hour before daybreak, in...
The Arab pointed at Ernie's tin of peaches and then at the watch, indicating that they should trade...
Raphael who was a very strong swimmer many times dived back into the water from the boat that initially...
I went to the Aircrew Receiving Centre in St John's Wood in London... It swung round looking for a safe...
Two days later we were taken down to the docks at Liverpool on a passenger ship called 'the Warwick...
My dad Jim Jennings, youngest of 11 children was in the Second Battalion Grenadier Guards at the outbreak...
One morning in October of ’39 a number of us were asked if we would like to report to the Parade...
Having passed my course, I went to Dover, and then in Septermber, 1942, I went to Plymouth, Hamoaze House...
Two patrols of platoon strength were pushed out to track ambush positions about two miles north of the...
The evil that corrupts this land, is plain to see at every hand, films that doth afflict the mind, of young...
I served my time in the docks in Cardiff and London, then in November 1942 we shipped abroad to invade...
I suggested to the soilders with me that they start to pick vegatables from the field - carrots, parsnips,...
I was Adjutant at the Royal Military Police Depot just outside Aldershot... I remember being deputed once...
My Father Harold Tarlton was Senior Observer at Harold Hill Essex Post 1940-- 1945, he was due to be called...
I did my training at Squiresgate in Blackpool which is now Pontins!.. I was married back in England in...
And then I took part in the propaganda raid on the Lofoten islands in the Arctic Circle... They were manned...
I filled it with sand, got hold of an old dirty bucket, got back in the trench and then poured petrol over...
The radar set was manned by three operators who, in the night watch, would get thirsty and hungry. Told by...
Franks next major battle was at Poppel forest where the Lincolns mission was to push back the Germans... He...
In 1943 I went to Sicily then on to Italy and then Austria. In the army we had our food rations but...