When the first bomb burst I was looking underneath the carrier, before the next I was watching the others...
It later became known as the Home Guard and was mainly staffed by young men who had not yet entered the...
It was known as Operation OVERLORD and having served in Normandy at that time I was entitled to be called a...
The ice must have been very thick at that point but further down the river German troops, tanks and big...
As the Japanese were advancing towards India's borders in the North-East, the Allies were weaving a...
In the time left to us there were practical matters - I gave Minna a Power of Attorney, left a letter for...
The vehicles were continually getting stuck but with hard work and hard swearing we crept slowly forward...
Starting at Villach, which lies at the other end of the Worther See from Klagenfurt, near where I was...
Our position for this operation was close to the River Lamone and that night we managed a fairly good rest...
SATURDAY 1ST APRIL 1944 - Not much doing today, going into Palisimo today, bought Ethel a ring and Betty a...
He was The Gunner in our Cromwell tank crew during the summer of 1944 in Normandy - a lively, likeable,...
A platoon of the Wiltshires had just begun to attack a small barracks area, and were being fired on by a...
It was during the Second World war that the Port Ordnance Detachments, in several of which Dad served, were...
The two other Brens had started firing and I shouted to the others to shout out the range, they shouted...
The Regt. really got stuck in removing bushes and all kinds of debris and preparing paths to our Nissan...
These early hours with the army and its life stile pointed to an early return to Civilian Street, cold,...
Sadly our Commander Royal Artillery, who was in charge of all the Divisions artillery was killed in a road...
Back in the dunes about 40/50 yards from where we had been before, we settled down again and hoped that we...
Suddenly my buddy, Corporal Stan Lunt and I, on stolen time, decided to investigate a rumour of a German SP...
Butch couldn't hold back: "'A' platoon under Lieutenant Errington were acting on their...
We had a little news at 21.15 hrs but two lads waited until midnight for the 12 o'clock news, but very...
7610470 Alfred John Boon joined the Royal Army Ordnance Corps on 4 October 1939, and trained as an...