He could only remember the fear and the horror and the stench of the trenches — the daily horrors...
After a short while he returned with another man who would take us through the village to a barn where we...
A shocked Lieutenant Kitchen came out of the hut holding a German Schmeisser automatic, as I dropped to my...
These we would have to leave with the Partisans at the Swiss border up in the Alps, prior to entering...
We crawled toward a cornfield amid fire from enemy machine guns, when a German tank came into view. Later...
For the Normandy Landings, the East Riding Yeomanry, Royal Armoured Corps was part of 27 Armoured Brigade,...
It didn't take long to figure out they contained stores; there were two tins of bully and biscuits,...
Jeff came back and talked to the Sergeants showing them on a map what he thought was the area of...
We called at the cafe again on the way back, and my new friend bought me a very tasty dish of a...
The Sergeant evidently didn't think so, he called me a c--- and "let's hope the f---ing lions...
In general the Workshop Sections were United Provinces Hindus and the Park Sections were Punjabi Mussulmen,...
By now shells had begun to drop in the wood and we were all getting restless, we were all wondering if...
After three months they sent us back to the main stalag where they put us to work digging up graves in a...
But by the 19th February 60 Bty was out with the American RCT in the plain of OUSSELLTIA and 90 Bty was...
Those issued to the British troops were in a pale red packet and even though they were so bad, they were...
An Irish lad, `Paddy', a driver in `B' or `C' platoon, the selfsame Paddy he'd met in Luton...
As duty operator I was not allowed to leave the office on any pretence, not even to fetch my supper from...
Well son I was at this Kommando from Oct until March when I move to Dresden as the Russians where near......
I was posted with two others, Bill Stavely, another supplementary reservist, from Worksop, and Noman...
When we went through the towns in Belgium the people cheered us, but it was a different tune when we came...
Before the war, Burma was a British colony and had forestry companies to harvest the teak trees, and...
We off-loaded at Basra and this took quite a few days, as the ship was very full with lorries, equipment,...