As a near seven-year-old schoolboy in Aberdeen with a day off from Robert Gordon's College, I was sent...
My name is Alfred Ash I was born in 1911 and married in 1936, we had two children and lived on The...
Although we did not meet until long after the war, my husband was a WOP in 228 squadron RAF, and flew in...
The photograph is of many children in an aircraft hangar at the famous A.V. Roe factory,Greengate,in...
I was born in Peckham, South London, into a family of 6 children and I lived there all through the war,...
Massey Road was bombed during the war and and between four and six houses destroyed and there was this...
Married in Beverley Minster. I think that was the 19th June and we got married on the 25th June at Beverley...
On VE day I was in Nantes, hiding in a wine cellar with two German prisoners, waiting for reinforcements......
When we planned our wedding for May 5th, 1945, at Habergham Parish Church, Burnley, we did not know that...
My name is Elizabeth Johnson and have lived in Brighton for 21 years. I was based in a little town called...
To commemorate their bravery, they were given the Freedom of Cambridge for the rest of their lives in a...
The following day a few friends and I went in to town and walked around, so did thouands of others, it was...
They told us that Winston churchill would be making a speech later on. As I got off the tram and walked...
His landing craft, in either the first or second wave, was hit losing steering, the rear superstructure and...
In the afternoon we went for a cycle ride in the Dales and after tea, my father and I and some friends...
I was just a twinkle in my mother's eye, when Churchill made his victory speech in May 45’, one...
My father was serving in the army in Belgium, and he was injured and contracted T.B. He was then sent, in a...
Mum went up in the blanket and fractured her ribs. Family folklore has it that Mum was on the front page of...
Grown ups busy, children play among the tables, standing there in roads bedecked with myriad flags and...
We were standing on a grassy verge by the side of the railings — I don't remember precisely...
These were all Southern Railway sheds, this being our favourite of the four railway companies owning the...
Celebrations go on until midnight when we are turned out of our hut and paraded at the navy Reg office and...