10 moments that led to the downfall of Rob Titchener
From his terrifying omnipotence to his desperate kidnap attempt: the control that held on to so firmly through his abusive relationship with has now slipped entirely from his hands. Here are ten key moments in the destruction of Rob's power.

Helen’s not guilty verdicts
In September 2016, Helen was of attempted murder and wounding with intent after she stabbed Rob in the kitchen of their home. Despite while giving evidence, his wife – whom he'd labelled as deranged – wasn’t sent down.
Psychological report
The family court ordered a psychological report on Rob. It concluded that Rob had narcissistic personality disorder and recommended for his time with Jack to be reduced. The final family court hearing took heed of the psychologist's recommendations and ruled that Rob’s time with Jack should be supervised at a .
Debbie’s snub
At the 2016 Borchester Land Christmas party, after realising he hadn’t been included in the staff Secret Santa, Rob eagerly approached . She swiftly batted him away, pointing out his similarity with .
Ian’s dig
The Christmas party went for bad to worse for Rob. He’s managed to corner and needle him about but then broke things up by . Rob was left alone with Ian’s unwanted warm lager.
On the Bridge Farm doorstep
Before Christmas, Rob picked a quiet moment at Bridge Farm to knock on the kitchen door. He wanted to hand over some gifts for Jack and . Then, he asked Helen if there could be a future for the two of them. Despite Rob’s sorrowful state, Helen managed to stay strong.

Rob turns up at Bridge Farm
Rob grovels to Helen on the doorstep: could the two of them ever have a future together?
Christmas in Hampshire
Rob spent Christmas 2016 with his parents at the Titchener family farm. He put on a brave face upon his return to Ambridge saying it had been "very satisfactory". He later revealed to that it had in fact been "a disaster".
Calling his son Jack
After the family court rejected Rob’s application to change his son's name from to Gideon Robert Titchener, Rob's resolve started to weaken. While in conversation with Alan on 5 January 2017, we heard Rob call his son Jack for the first time.
Stefan’s return
Friday 13 January 2017 was a bad day for Rob. After being asked to stay on late at work at the end of a week in which he’d been sorting out the details of his divorce, when he got home.

Justin sacks Rob
After learning what Rob did in the 2015 flood, Justin sacks Rob with immediate effect.
Justin’s sacking
A week later, had got wind of what Stefan knew (thanks to ). He castigated Rob for his actions during the flood and then .
Helen’s final send off
Helen was right to be uneasy about Rob’s departure. Two weeks later, he was back to kidnap Jack. But Helen saw him off. Fighting for her baby, . He had no answer, he was defeated.