Whats new
Posted: Saturday, 17 December 2005 |
Hello, Sparky4mm here, I am a Jack Russell terrier and I live in Burra with my peerie sister MaggieSparkPlug. I heard about this blogging thing on the wireless, well Radio Shetland to be precise, anyhow I thought we should give it a go and tell all about Islands life for dugs!
So a bit of history, I am 3 and a half years old and came up to Shetland from Glasgow as a puppy. I flew up all by myself, well they put me in the hold, but I was fine, I landed at Sumburgh airport to see my new Mam and Dad who took me home in their car. I have been pretty happy here, get to go out twice a day for walks and have lots of cousins and friends. I have recently been having bother with my feet and have been to the vet to see a very nice specialist up from Glasgow (I asked if he knew my old Mam and Dad but he said Glasgow was a very big place and he didn't know everybody!), he said I had a dust mite allergy and might have to have injections, I don't think so!

That's a little about me, I will fill you in on Maggie, she's still a bit peerie and can't type yet as she is only 4 and half months old, she's a Border Terrier and came up from Aberdeen earlier this year, she flew up on the plane but as she was sooooooooo cute they let her sit in the cabin with some nice folk who looked after her all the way. She's lovely, I was so excited when they told me she was coming, I wasn't very sure what she was to begin with, thought she might be one of those cat thingies, but when I realised she was one of us I was delighted, only one problem, she has teeth like needles and she likes to bite, my neck was a bit raw for a while but now she has taken to biting my legs, oh, she's only peerie, she'll grow out of it, I'm sure I was just as bad when I was her age!
So I have to go, my Mam needs to use the computer, she says I've been on long enough, yeah whatever!
I will be back soon to tell you all about my cousins, Millie and Mak.
Speak soon, I am away to have a sniff around for my Christmas presents, I know they are in the house but am not sure where they have hidden them.
Posted on A dogs life at 21:57
Hello Sparky! My name is Loyal and I am an English Bull Terrier living in Quarff. I really like the sound of your little friend as we are about the same age and I think we would get on very well. I travelled to Shetland only a few weeks ago all the way from Bristol by car to Aberdeen and then on the ferry shut in a freezing cold kennel all night not knowing what on earth was going on, while the two legs were having a great time in the bar.
I am still very new to Shetland and to life in general really being only five months old, but life is great and everything is so exciting and the two legs are very kind to me especially the girl one.
As I said I think my name is Loyal, but I seem to have several names Snoopy, Whitey, Snoop dog, Lionel, big ears, nosy, snouty and another one - bloody dog! always said in a very loud voice - the two legs only seem to use that name though when I chew things or go to the toilet on the carpet.
I have a little friend called Nina. she is a black Pug - bit of a pain but quite tasty that is why I am always chewing her neck and ears but the two legs don't understand this.
Nice meeting you, do keep in touch,
from Loyal.
Loyal from Shetland mainland
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Mike from 大象传媒 Glasgow
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