Snowed in
Posted: Thursday, 02 March 2006 |
1 comment |

It's a moorie caavie here today! The snow has come and it's grrrrrreat. Me and Maggie are having a fantastic time running in and out, mind you Maggie is still only small so when she jumps in the drift's she ends up pretty much up to her oxters (just as well she's not white like me, then we can find her).
We went out yesterday morning with Rob (as the schools are closed) and made a snowman, well she made it, but we did help, I ate the snow and Maggie ate the carrot, which was the snowman's nose!
There's another shower on now, I feel another snowman coming on, and there is a lot more snow today so maybe we will get a bigger one this time! Watch this space.

Posted on A dogs life at 12:07
Snow? I have never played in snow, but my mom takes me to the beach. I love digging in the sand, playing in the water and chasing the seagulls! My mom wants to go visit Fair Isle, maybe you can ask your Mam if I can be dropped off for a visit! I will leave my brother Rambo (a Bullnese- bulldog and pekingese mix) at home as he is a scardy dog.
Take care and keep writing.
Jack (rat terrier) from Jacksonville, Florida US
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