Home again
Posted: Monday, 29 May 2006 |
So here we are, home again after our stint at Boot Camp, oops Da Kennels. Hey I am not knocking it, I had a great time, all that K9 pals to play with. Maggie was a bit put out to begin with, cos she's not used to other dog's, well apart from me that is, so she barked for a few days then she kind of got into the swing of it. I actually thought I was just there to help out and followed Davy and the lass around thinking they would take me inside to their house to a cosy sofa and telly, but realised that I had to stay in the Kennels with Maggie.
When Mam and Dad came to pick us up I knew right away when I heard the car, but Maggie actually forgot them for a split second before realising and going absolutely hyper.

We got home, went for a long walk to the beach where Maggie ran and ran and ran (I think the whole couped up thing had gotten to her more than I thought), we then went home had a shower each (Maggie was a bit pishy, as she tended to go under the big dogs when they were having the toilet), and laid down in our comfy sofa.
p.s. Rolf was no where to be seen.
Posted on A dogs life at 22:53
Hiya a dogs life. Sounds like you actually had a really good time. Sometimes here we hear of dogs not even being allowed to go for runs 'cause they live in the city and need to be on leashes all the time. Envy is growing rapidly over here.
Kennelclub from Amsterdam
MAGGIE IS THE CUTEST LITTLE DOG I HAVE EVER SEEN...I have her picture on my desktop like shes my own..=) ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!
jean from new jersey
Hi Jean, thought you may like a few more images, yes Maggie is the cutest, but I'm afraid she knows it!!
Sparky from Burra Isle
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