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16 October 2014

On Top Of Ward Hill

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I would like to recall a funny story which happenned to Mr B and myself not long after arriving in Orkney.

We were on a trip to Kirkwall and walking from the Shapinsay slip to the Hatsons Industrial Estate to look at a well known (but very expensive) establishment that sells Rayburns etc. The establishment that also took over three months to get replacement parts for us but thats another story and one that I shouldn't air for fear of reprisals.

We had just passed the garage on the main Hatson Road when an orcadian gentleman approached us. Having only been here for a few weeks we hadn't quite got used to the lingo or accents and as he approached we were unsure as to his purpose.

He stopped in front of us and in a broad scottish accent was heard to say

"Would you be able to steal a car for me? "

We were both taken aback as one of the main reasons we love Orkney for is its honesty and values. Mr B hurriedly apologised and we both took off at speed away from the gentleman who looked somewhat shocked at our refusal.

Walking away we both looked at each other and asked if the event had really happenned and if the man might have been inebriated etc.

A few steps further on down the road the penny dropped.

Something didn't add up and the more I thought about it, I eventually realised what he had actually said.

On realising this I gave my thoughts to Mr B and he hurriedly returned to the man to ask him again what his request was.

It became evident that the man had broken down the day before and had returned to the garage with another vehicle in order to tow away the dead car.

What he had actually said was

"Would you be able to steer a car for me? "

Mr B, the man and myself had a chuckle and we obliged his request and helped him tow his car away from the garage.

Perhaps we both need hearing aids or maybe a crash course in not being judgemental.

Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 17:11


Going to the mainland from the isles is always fraught with danger. There be people - lots of people.

Muness from Fetlar

I am shocked, SHOCKED!! The polite answer of course: "Which one would you like me to jump start and steal for you, Sir?" and then oblige him. You cannot go around deaf to the needs of the folks around you. If someone wants help, you provide it: what kind of help is needed should never, NEVER, be a consideration!! Good grief, Barebraes!!! Are you telling me that you would have to think twice before robbing a bank for me, if i were to ask you (as I may well do if I am to fund any visit to Shapinsay!)?

mjc from NM,USA

Then when you come to Shapinsay armed with booty from your latest heist then make sure you fill a suitcase for Mr B and Hooch, Ill be your Bonny if you will be my Clyde

Barebraes from Shapinsay

did you need a crash course in steering a towed car?

skywatcher from behind a nice warm laptop

You'll never tyre of making puns like that....

Flying Cat from Cheshire Grin

The constabulary turned a blind eye to driving without a (proper) permit!! Did the fellow use a chain to pull his car, or merely a rope?! # I have heard that many a bank robber has been caught when hoofing it off because they tripped over the falling off loose pants!! or their pants got stuck as they struggled to get over the fence. Hot pursuit.

mjc from NM,USA

Mr Bs permit or insurance as we call it covers him for all eventuallities including driving a get away car. His MOT on the other hand has lapsed as we are exempt because we are too far away from a testing centre.

Barebraes (from behind bars) from Shapinsay

We must all calm down and remember that over the pond, pants are trousers, hot or otherwise.

Flying Cat from gents' outfitters

Calm is where I want to be. It's bare knuckles out there on Arnish blog site. No one is bothering to drink tea, eat cake. Worries about planes falling off the skies, planes running on time (do the trains ever do that? If so, certainly not on Sundays!)), work rules, people standing for elections!! And somewhere there are cats flying without benefit of carpets. Better be here on this blog, where people can steal cars in peace, and find accomplices off the ferry, wear helmets without benefit of clothing, and where Hooch can drool on cats to his heart's content. Good dog, Hoochie.

mjc from NM,USA

So, Mr. B. is driving without benefit of driver's license, simply because an MOT office is not down the lane from Ward Hill? Don't tell me: that's the reason you folks moved to Shapinsay!! The matter will obviously be raised soon at question time in the Commons.

mjc from NM,USA

mjc, I think you'll find that Mr B's permit (driving licence/drivers permit) is valid as apparently is his insurance. The MOT, which does appear not to exist, is a document issued once a year to show that a vehicle has been tested by a suitably accredited mechanic and found to be roadworthy. In NZ they call it a warrant of fitness. The remote isles, and here is the interesting bit, don' have testing stations and so escape the test. This leads to interesting smallads in the local papers which describe a vehicle on offer as,"A good isles car." ie it ain't roadworthy but still runs. On the driver's front, there was a tale years ago in Shetland, that an elderly learner driver having failed to pass his driving test in Lerwick for the umpteenth time was asked by the examiner. "Will you ever drive any where else but Shetland?" On being told no, said examiner then responded, "Well. If you promise me that you won't drive anywhere else, I'll pass you."

Hyper-Borean from The inspection pit

Thanks Hyper-Borean for setting me straight. Here in NM cars are tested once about two years for emission acceptability ("emission control" it is called). Roadworthiness is not otherwise tested. Technically, a policeman could pull you over if your car is so obviously a public danger: otherwise any jalopy is fine.

mjc from NM,USA

We could do with a bit of that hereabouts.

Flying Cat from Emission Control, Rolling Acres

Yes we have that for cars too. My long suffering wife thinks it should be applied to middle aged men.

Hyper-Borean from Emmission control

Oy!!!! Stop following me whoever you are. My singular purrsonality is being taken over by aliens.

Flying Cat from in a fluff

Do the women in the northern isles hold the view that only men snore? Wife, from time to time, wears ear plugs: it's enough to make anyone indignant, then paranoid. Apart from the implied suggestion that I snore (I have never heard myself snore!!), there is the question of who will grab the shotgun and fire blindly at any noise in the night (could be a burglar trying to get to my squirrel stew!!) if she can't hear.

mjc from NM,USA

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