Posted: Wednesday, 04 April 2007 |
I seem to be in a predicament
Just put a loin of pork in the oven went to check it and the knob on the glass door has come off in me hand. I can't open the glass door now and the pork is due out at 5.30.
Do I call the fire brigade?
Suggestions Please .................................
Just put a loin of pork in the oven went to check it and the knob on the glass door has come off in me hand. I can't open the glass door now and the pork is due out at 5.30.
Do I call the fire brigade?
Suggestions Please .................................
Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 16:28
Look what we got in OUR Easter Eggs
Posted: Monday, 09 April 2007 |

The Easter Bunny wasn't anywhere to be seen but the Easter Duck left us 3 new arrivals. Also we found 3 Easter Chicks toooo

Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 13:47
A Crowd of Golden Daffodils (OOOPS and Hooch) (p.s. Hello Shirley and John)
Posted: Saturday, 14 April 2007 |
Along the edge of the track are a wonderful parade of Yellow Daffodils that I can see from the window of the Sitting Room. Saturday was a lovely day and hopefully Sunday will be as good, Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. By Sunday we shall have all the floors done in the new part of the house and that will bring a huge CHEER from the 2 of us.
I apologise for the long title of this blog but I had to say Hi to 2 very special friends in Kirkwall (they will know who they are)

I apologise for the long title of this blog but I had to say Hi to 2 very special friends in Kirkwall (they will know who they are)

Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 18:58
The Stalkers
Posted: Wednesday, 18 April 2007 |
Here is a Cat item to balance up the scales so that FC and other felines don't feel that the whole world is being taken over by the D.O.G. (As if that would happen)
Our cats have found that if they hide in the Pampas Grass in the garden they can lie in wait for their prey, or hide from the maurauding rooster when he is on the rampage. The Chickens are a canny bunch and know that when the front door is open there is easy access to the cat food in the lobby so they get in a great huddle outside the door and chase off the cats.
In the middle of the Pampas Grass the cats have made a small flat area which is hidden from the outside world and there they sit waiting.
Last night I went out to gather in the washing and was set about by a pair of playful cats who took turns in rushing from the Pampas in a crablike fashion, rolling over and then quickly running back into the grass. I guess that they have a safe haven from the chickens and the wind.
Can you see me ?
I'm not here really
Our cats have found that if they hide in the Pampas Grass in the garden they can lie in wait for their prey, or hide from the maurauding rooster when he is on the rampage. The Chickens are a canny bunch and know that when the front door is open there is easy access to the cat food in the lobby so they get in a great huddle outside the door and chase off the cats.
In the middle of the Pampas Grass the cats have made a small flat area which is hidden from the outside world and there they sit waiting.
Last night I went out to gather in the washing and was set about by a pair of playful cats who took turns in rushing from the Pampas in a crablike fashion, rolling over and then quickly running back into the grass. I guess that they have a safe haven from the chickens and the wind.
Can you see me ?

I'm not here really

Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 10:59
Dwangs, Noggings and All that Stuff
Posted: Saturday, 21 April 2007 |
We have now finished the floors and are busy trying to get the walls and ceilings up in the new Bedroom, Mr B hooked up the first floor loop to the heated circuit and we are in the process of raising the temperature slowly so as not to crack the floor screed.
The first wall went up on Friday and the ceiling plaster board was also raised. All day there was a hive of activity from Mr B as I was at work in the afternoon I returned to help him place the plasterboard on the ceiling with the aid of a long piece of wood and various contraptions. The bedroom ceiling is now finished and we have most of the shower room and part of the bathroom covered.
There were lots of references to Mr B needing a Dwang, Nogging or other unusual terms. I just thought that he was trying out his Orcadian, but on investigation found out they are technical terms for small supports between the plasterboard where there are no joists.
We cut the stairs that we had aquired in half so to modify them to reach the upper decks and tried this out for size. We worked from 9am -10pm on Friday and again on Sunday, Saturday was an easier day when we finished at 7pm.
These are the results
Today we are going to have a lie in and do some more later. Hopefully the walls either side of the stairs, but we shall see.
Hope you all had a strenous weekend tooo
The first wall went up on Friday and the ceiling plaster board was also raised. All day there was a hive of activity from Mr B as I was at work in the afternoon I returned to help him place the plasterboard on the ceiling with the aid of a long piece of wood and various contraptions. The bedroom ceiling is now finished and we have most of the shower room and part of the bathroom covered.
There were lots of references to Mr B needing a Dwang, Nogging or other unusual terms. I just thought that he was trying out his Orcadian, but on investigation found out they are technical terms for small supports between the plasterboard where there are no joists.
We cut the stairs that we had aquired in half so to modify them to reach the upper decks and tried this out for size. We worked from 9am -10pm on Friday and again on Sunday, Saturday was an easier day when we finished at 7pm.
These are the results
Today we are going to have a lie in and do some more later. Hopefully the walls either side of the stairs, but we shall see.
Hope you all had a strenous weekend tooo
Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 19:49
Oooot and Abooot
Posted: Thursday, 26 April 2007 |
Today I gave myself a day off, Instead of geting up and proceeding to the building project I decided to have a relaxing day. Mr B was on his own today, I am sure that he can cope with the wiring on his own, well he is the qualified electrician.
It was such a bonny day that I flung all the windows open that I could manage to open , the bathroom one has a habit of falling out of the surround and not being able to shut again so I left that. The poor old dog was shhhushed into the garden so that I could vacate his bed and wash and air the duvet he sleeps and slobbers on. Out came the vacuum cleaner the polish and the spit and I bottomed the building (all four peedie rooms of it). The washing machine was rattling away as load after load was washed and pegged out on the line.
The house looked habitable again and I felt grand.
The sun was really bright and not too many clouds in the sky so I chucked the wellies, camera, dog, dog biscuits, poo bags, assorted throwing toys and a warm jumper in the car and headed for the beach.
I had to post a letter so down to the village first where the Thorsvoe and the crew were just gettting ready after their lunch to set sail again for Kirkwall, Moored in the harbour was The Swan a marvelous boat that had been out the night before carrying the residents of Shapinsay and who else wanted to get on board for a sail
Picture 1: The Swan moored at the Shapinsay Slip

I took a few more pictures and then headed for the dogs fav beach at Skenstoft, The tide was well out and the sea was a turquoise green with dark shadows where the rocks were and fulmars buzzed over the dogs head drawn by the tennis ball that he was chasing, I think they thought it was food.
On then to Burroughstone Broch and the Seals basking in the sun. Finally calling at the Ness of Shapinsay to sit on the silver sand and watch the dog up to his jowls in sea water and loving every minute of it.
On the way home via Frustigarth I stopped to take some pics of the old Kirk with no roof. And then it was off back to Barebraes to clean up the dog and see what Mr B had achieved.
At least the dog will sleep well tonight he must have run a marathon today.
Hope you all had a sunny day too.
The small blob in the pic below is Hooch on his fav beach

It was such a bonny day that I flung all the windows open that I could manage to open , the bathroom one has a habit of falling out of the surround and not being able to shut again so I left that. The poor old dog was shhhushed into the garden so that I could vacate his bed and wash and air the duvet he sleeps and slobbers on. Out came the vacuum cleaner the polish and the spit and I bottomed the building (all four peedie rooms of it). The washing machine was rattling away as load after load was washed and pegged out on the line.
The house looked habitable again and I felt grand.
The sun was really bright and not too many clouds in the sky so I chucked the wellies, camera, dog, dog biscuits, poo bags, assorted throwing toys and a warm jumper in the car and headed for the beach.
I had to post a letter so down to the village first where the Thorsvoe and the crew were just gettting ready after their lunch to set sail again for Kirkwall, Moored in the harbour was The Swan a marvelous boat that had been out the night before carrying the residents of Shapinsay and who else wanted to get on board for a sail
Picture 1: The Swan moored at the Shapinsay Slip

I took a few more pictures and then headed for the dogs fav beach at Skenstoft, The tide was well out and the sea was a turquoise green with dark shadows where the rocks were and fulmars buzzed over the dogs head drawn by the tennis ball that he was chasing, I think they thought it was food.
On then to Burroughstone Broch and the Seals basking in the sun. Finally calling at the Ness of Shapinsay to sit on the silver sand and watch the dog up to his jowls in sea water and loving every minute of it.
On the way home via Frustigarth I stopped to take some pics of the old Kirk with no roof. And then it was off back to Barebraes to clean up the dog and see what Mr B had achieved.
At least the dog will sleep well tonight he must have run a marathon today.
Hope you all had a sunny day too.
The small blob in the pic below is Hooch on his fav beach

Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 16:00
Mama Hes Making Eyes At Me
Posted: Saturday, 28 April 2007 |

The nice man from the shop where I work kindly gave me Crabs

Only he called them Partins
We placed them in a bucket of fresh water to drown them in and then we boiled them for 20 minutes

Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 10:23