A Mile Stone
Posted: Saturday, 03 November 2007 |
Parents are wonderful people they bring us up and install a lot of good values in us. No one knows how difficult being a parent is or the right way or the wrong way to bring up children.
My parents recently celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Yes 50 Years of marriage, that in itself is a great acheivement and one that I think should be recognised.
They celebrated the day together in a very posh hotel in Central London and also saw a West End Show , The Lion KIng.
I would just like to say Thank you to my Mum and Dad for giving me and my sister a great childhood and a lot of happy memories along the way.
Happy Anniversary
My parents recently celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Yes 50 Years of marriage, that in itself is a great acheivement and one that I think should be recognised.
They celebrated the day together in a very posh hotel in Central London and also saw a West End Show , The Lion KIng.
I would just like to say Thank you to my Mum and Dad for giving me and my sister a great childhood and a lot of happy memories along the way.

Happy Anniversary
Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 17:46
The Aftermath
Posted: Friday, 09 November 2007 |

Well at least we were warned sufficiently about the storms and had some time to secure the loose peices of wood and building materials that we had left abandon in various places throughout the summer, You would think that you would learn from mistakes made last year that a peice of roofing that takes 2 people to carry can so easily be picked up and deposited almost anywhere.
As the wind increased throughout the night and into the morning our only casualty was water on the new kitchen floor, and a hasty rescue/repair on the dancing caravan. It was rocking and rolling about and some rope and various concrete blocks saved it from disaster. You would have thought that the occupant of the caravan at the time would have ran for his life but in true teenager fashion was still in the caravan at 11am in the morning and only retreated to the house when Mr B bellowed in through the door that it might be advisable to get the **** out of the way.
The electricity held out until 6pm when we were plunged into darkness for a while until the generator did its stuff. The power returned around 9ish and everything was resumed to normal.
This morning the teenager was due to the boat for onward transmission to Kirkwall Grammar at 7.30am but in true Barebraes style I had managed to reset the clock put the alarm to 6.30 but forgot to flick the switch to activate it and hence woke at 7.22am whereas Mr B did a lightening dash to the boat only to find that there was very little petrol in the car and subsequently realise that I had set the time incorrectly and he missed the boat . So Teenager was late for school, and as Mr B had to go and fix his flat tyre that he noticed yesterday I had to get out of my very warm bed and take the grumpy teenager to the 9 o'clock boat and then drag the ever so lovely assistant at the shop to go out in the freezin cold wind to manually pump 6 gallons of petrol into the vehicle.
Well the wind has subsided a little now and the sun is struggling through the clouds, in a few hours I will be due at the shop. No doubt because the boats were securely docked all day yesterday we shall get yesterdays deliveries as well as todays and all the folk that needed provisions will flock in, so today I expect a busy day with lots of blether about peoples experiences of the storm. Community life is great and its nice to share your ups as well as your downs with good folk.
I hope that you all survived it in tact and can look back on it with amusement in time to come. I know I shall one day. As for Teenager ... well he will probably grunt and mutter a bit more than he normally does.
Thought for the day : I Need to get a Wind up alarm clock
(strange that the word WIND can have 2 meanings )
Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 10:07