Burns Night Entertainment
Posted: Friday, 01 February 2008 |
I might be a little belated with the posting but would really like to mention a very enjoyable evening the residents of Shapinsay had in honour of Burns Night.
The Womens Lifeboat Guild held a Ceilidh and Dance to raise money for the Lifeboat. In the light of the weather this past few days I am sure the cause was a good one.
Along with the Traditional Haggis ,Clapshot and Mince accompanied by the Piper from the Stromness Pipe Band there was a mix of Music and fun. We held a Raffle and there was plenty of willing people to trip the light fantastic on the dancefloor. I even managed a St Bernards Waltz with a very Dapper Gent.
The Stromness Pipe Band put on an excellent display of music and even one of the Pipers stood in when the Band were cancelled due to bad weather. We were entertained by a mix of island musicians and the piper.
In my opinion the best thing was the drum part of the evening
Two of the drummers mesmerised us with precision playing to a very fast tempo and if that wasn't enough they then proceeded in swapping sticks whilst still keeping the beat going. It just has to be seen to be beleived.
A vast amount of money was raised and I think it was good value for money.

And a Big Thankyou to Mr Burns for the reason to Clelebrate
The Womens Lifeboat Guild held a Ceilidh and Dance to raise money for the Lifeboat. In the light of the weather this past few days I am sure the cause was a good one.
Along with the Traditional Haggis ,Clapshot and Mince accompanied by the Piper from the Stromness Pipe Band there was a mix of Music and fun. We held a Raffle and there was plenty of willing people to trip the light fantastic on the dancefloor. I even managed a St Bernards Waltz with a very Dapper Gent.
The Stromness Pipe Band put on an excellent display of music and even one of the Pipers stood in when the Band were cancelled due to bad weather. We were entertained by a mix of island musicians and the piper.
In my opinion the best thing was the drum part of the evening
Two of the drummers mesmerised us with precision playing to a very fast tempo and if that wasn't enough they then proceeded in swapping sticks whilst still keeping the beat going. It just has to be seen to be beleived.
A vast amount of money was raised and I think it was good value for money.

And a Big Thankyou to Mr Burns for the reason to Clelebrate
Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 16:39
HI HO HI HO Its off to work we go
Posted: Wednesday, 13 February 2008 |
Three whole days of sunshine!!
Mr B and Me and a dog named Hooch took the peedie car and the trailer and loaded a mountain of scalpings into the trailer and spent a glorious afternoon filling holes along the track that leads to Barebraes.
Hooch sat in the trailer with me and an assortment of implements, rake shovel, large heavy pounding thingy that flattens the scalpings into the potholes. The trailer was a bit uncomfortable on the way down but a bit better on the way back.
Hooch spent most of the time running here and there sniffing and peeing and doing things that doggies do.
What a difference a day of sunshine makes to the output of work.
We even talked about our plans for the erection of the remaining roof.... well its a step in the right direction....isn't it !!!
Mr B and Me and a dog named Hooch took the peedie car and the trailer and loaded a mountain of scalpings into the trailer and spent a glorious afternoon filling holes along the track that leads to Barebraes.
Hooch sat in the trailer with me and an assortment of implements, rake shovel, large heavy pounding thingy that flattens the scalpings into the potholes. The trailer was a bit uncomfortable on the way down but a bit better on the way back.
Hooch spent most of the time running here and there sniffing and peeing and doing things that doggies do.
What a difference a day of sunshine makes to the output of work.
We even talked about our plans for the erection of the remaining roof.... well its a step in the right direction....isn't it !!!
Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 17:29
Turbine or not Turbine
Posted: Tuesday, 19 February 2008 |
As some of you might know Shapinsay are as we speak polling all residnts over the age of 16 to find out if there is a need for a Community Owned Turbine.
I myself are part of the Development Trust that are proposing the turbine and its benefits and dissadvantages to the island.
Last night we had a meeting where people could air their views and ask questions of the Experts. There were mixed feelings as expected and now we have to search our souls for the correct thing to do.
If you had to choose between a turbine in your view or the thought of the revenue that would be generated which would have a direct benefit on your island then I can guess that some people would struggle with a decision.
I have made my decision and now will have to wait until Wednesday to hear everyone else's. The Turbine is proposed to be sited quite near to our house and also near other properties. For us the decision is slightly more difficult but never the less we have to make a decision.
What would you do ?
I myself are part of the Development Trust that are proposing the turbine and its benefits and dissadvantages to the island.
Last night we had a meeting where people could air their views and ask questions of the Experts. There were mixed feelings as expected and now we have to search our souls for the correct thing to do.
If you had to choose between a turbine in your view or the thought of the revenue that would be generated which would have a direct benefit on your island then I can guess that some people would struggle with a decision.
I have made my decision and now will have to wait until Wednesday to hear everyone else's. The Turbine is proposed to be sited quite near to our house and also near other properties. For us the decision is slightly more difficult but never the less we have to make a decision.

What would you do ?
Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 11:07