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16 October 2014

On Top Of Ward Hill

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Oh What a Night

It Blew and it Blew

Have you ever laid in bed and heard a jet engine in your loft?
Well I could have sworn that there was the entire Red Arrows in mine on Saturday night / Sunday Morn. We were told from the trusty Met Office online that we were in for severe gales and possible Hurricane storm force winds and they weren't wrong. I sat up all night unable to sleep from the noise of the howling screaming wind hoping that it would go away long enough for me to fall into a deep enough sleep that I wouldn't hear it. Mr B snored all through it. I kept Hooch company in the living room and we shared a few biscuits and a huggle. The wind was still wailing at 7am and now we are to have snow so they say. Well the wind is from the North now and mighty cold it is too.

I see from Runestones other blog that the winds in Sanday hit 85 miles an hour with an average 63 mph. Hope that Hermits geese havn't seen any of their eggs or nest flying off.

The cats were pounding on the door this morning to get out of the weather and Hooch had to be turned out of his warm bed reluctantly

As you can see from the expression on his face he wasn't too pleased

Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 17:56


Were your kitties out all night in the storm? Awwwww. And here was me and m'Marmalade chum snugglywarm in the Sunroom of Eternity, watching the 11 windows flexing in the gale and wondering..... A cat could almost feel sorry for a d.o.g........almost. I like huggles!

Flying Cat from The Sunroom of Eternity

hooch looks gorgeous

carolwithgarfieldgrin from france

Hooch is hilarious (or is it merely the way you catch him on camera, Barebraes?). I would not mind having him in the neighborhood. Does he get/need exercise, or is he sedentary? # I wonder how Runestones survived. They are doing alright, as are their weather gizmos, if she is keeping up her blog. Wish she would come back to island blogging.

mjc from NM,USA

ps. what kind of mutt is hooch? oor wullie is interested

carol from france

He is a Dogue de Bordeaux (or French Mastiff) and he is hillarious he poots (pouts) and huffs and puffs around the hoose. He loves walks but has only a short burst of energy due to his build. FC the cats have a very nice byre with comfy straw beds what else would they need apart from a teasmade and piped musac

Barebraes from Shapinsay

Paw duly slapped! As if you would let the catses languish in the horrid weather....the very idea. Hooch looks a bit like someone I know....or certainly his relaxed attitude does...

Flying Cat from a hair shirt

You might not be referring to Backie, might you? He used to have a relaxed attititude and mien, until he took that picture of the worn out milk cow, wondered out loud whether this supposed cruelty should have been reported, was told off for counfounding the looks of drained milk cows with beef cattle, and was last seen - a worried look reflecting a worried mind - pushing his way to the front of the line (tsk! tsk!!) trying to get a ticket to Aberdeen, all the while checking his back to make sure he had truly lost the angry farmer. # Where are you Backie - erstwhile Westray resident? Come back, all is forgiven (not forgotten!!).

mjc from NM,USA

I remembered with a jolt a minute ago how somewhere I have this wonderfully illustrated children's book, with TS Elliot verses, about cats sneaking up the Thames in a boat and attacking another ship manned by full crew of Siamese cats. There was a satisfying episode about cats having to walk the plank etc. Anyway, I thought that Elliot's fevered (?) imagination certainly gave the lie to the idea of cats (propounded by FC, in a bout of wild illusion?) being called Gandhi , Gandhi Sr., Gandhi III and so on. Anyway, to think that the idea of cats as vegetarian pacifists comes from the mouth of a frog eater: it's enough (well, almost) to make one turn Tory.

mjc from NM,USA

It's enough to make a carnivore turn a delicate shade of green. The very idea of a vegetarian puss is anathema; just seeing the two words together is making me feel queasy. And to top it off with the T word....*bleh*

Flying Cat from The Sunroom of Eternity

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