We Have Moved
Posted: Thursday, 05 July 2007 |
Today is a sad day.......
An end of an Era.....
We have abandon the South wing of the building and are now installed in the North wing together with all the home comforts that we have been misssing for some time....
Like a Damp free Bedroom
A Dusty Draughty Lounge
and a Hall that wasn't big enough for poor Hooch to turn round in without getting stuck behind the front door
The downside is that we still have to put up with the lean to kitchen and bathroom but its a small price to pay until the whole building is covered in a new roof.
The bedroom is now finished and the heated floor is on and very snug indeed. The living room is upstairs for the time being and we have relegated the 3 seater sofa from its exile in the top store where it has been sat for the past 22 months, thankfully it was damp free and also not infested with mice.
Mr B has started to take the old plasterboard from the old rooms and pull down the ceiling. He had a small scare when he pulled out some fibre glass insulation to be greeted by falling dead mice, obviously nesting in the roof space. The poor chap was a little shaken but undeterred by his task. I dread to think what else we will find in the loft space !!!!
All we need now are a few days of sunshine for the Raft Race on Saturday and a few more so that we can remove the roof and start again with the lintels and wall plate to put the new trusses on.
As for Hooch I think hes a little confused by the whole process and can't wait till he gets a new room too

Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 20:05
Great progress, and your new room looks lovely. But can you get into it OK? I can imagine the heated flooring being pretty well covered by furry bodies (large and small) sprawled out asleep. The dead mice made me cringe! Good luck with your ongoing task.
Jill from EK
Love the new look bedroom ... so country crisp! Mice in the ceiling ... as long as they are dead they are OK. A live one roaming around is quite another tale or tail.
Plaid from one room
liked the bedroom,but loved the pic of hooch and moggie!! xxx
carol from still reeling after tuesday
Barebraes, what you folks should do is to send the cats ahead to explore and exterminate. # Picture 2: Hooch is impossibly hilarious (how do you manage to get to your camera in time?!). The cat is not bad looking either, though it does not look much of a ratter (more the kind that gets its grub from the tiffin box).
mjc from NM,USA
Well the Hooch is a soppy monster and loves posing for the camera. As for that cat shes the boss and keeps him in his place with a hiss or two and a friendly dab on the snout. And luckily all the mice were dead.
Barebraes from Shapinsay
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