Scary Squash
Posted: Wednesday, 31 October 2007 |
In keeping with true Halloween tradition, you need a good scary lantern. I have dusted off my broom and groomed the black cat , sharpened up its claws and made sure that there is plenty of hubble bubble toil and truble.
Tis the witching hour and all good children had better beware cos Brian the Butterut Squash lantern will be burning in my window to welcome all small children who venture down the track to Barebraes. Once inside they will be fattenned up and fed to Hooch the Merciless who has been licking his lips at the thought of tasty small children.

Forget Pete the Pumpkin or Norman the Neppy lantern Brian the Butternut Squash is ready to take over the island.

Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 10:07
I think the butternut squash looks more scary than a pumpkin. Well done! When I was little my Dad used to hollow out a turnip - what hard work that must have been - they're totally solid!
alix from west midlands
Ooh! The squash is much creepier than a neep/pumpkin.
Anne from IBHQ
Very well done, Barebraes! They are both artistically scary!! A deft hand you have!!
mjc from NM,USA
Like a pumpkin in a distorting mirror at the shows.
Flying Cat from magic roundabout
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