Burns Night Entertainment
Posted: Friday, 01 February 2008 |
I might be a little belated with the posting but would really like to mention a very enjoyable evening the residents of Shapinsay had in honour of Burns Night.
The Womens Lifeboat Guild held a Ceilidh and Dance to raise money for the Lifeboat. In the light of the weather this past few days I am sure the cause was a good one.
Along with the Traditional Haggis ,Clapshot and Mince accompanied by the Piper from the Stromness Pipe Band there was a mix of Music and fun. We held a Raffle and there was plenty of willing people to trip the light fantastic on the dancefloor. I even managed a St Bernards Waltz with a very Dapper Gent.
The Stromness Pipe Band put on an excellent display of music and even one of the Pipers stood in when the Band were cancelled due to bad weather. We were entertained by a mix of island musicians and the piper.
In my opinion the best thing was the drum part of the evening
Two of the drummers mesmerised us with precision playing to a very fast tempo and if that wasn't enough they then proceeded in swapping sticks whilst still keeping the beat going. It just has to be seen to be beleived.
A vast amount of money was raised and I think it was good value for money.

And a Big Thankyou to Mr Burns for the reason to Clelebrate
Posted on On Top Of Ward Hill at 16:39
Stromness RBL Pipe Band are excellent and have enjoyed something of a renaissance in recent years. We had haggis soup...welll the pu's did...soup isn't a cat thang really! Recipe on request. Don't all ask at once! It sounds like an excellent evening and I hope it helped banish the Winter Blues...not long now.
Flying Cat from an honest soncy face
Good! Excellent!! But what's this about your traipsing around the dancefloor with a dapper gent not your husband? What was the hulk doing? He was busy serving the clapshot, was he now?!
mjc from NM,USA
Yes Mr B was in his pinny and up to his elbows in suds.
The Blues are a little better and the snowball fight we had the other day made us laugh.
Not so the makeshift sledge that hurt my botty.
Barebraes from Shapinsay
This is one of those kiss-it-better moments it is everyone's duty to resist...well...maybe not quite everyone...
Flying Cat from kiss my furry ***
AAAGGGHHHH "burns night"!! that means lots and lots of haggis--i 'm foaming at the mouth!! must order some and do one soon here
carol from back home and freezing
I hope the foaming-at-the-mouth isn't due to the collapsed lung Carol!
Flying Cat from whatever next!
Carol, you are supposed to set the thermostat back up. Some people, really!!
mjc from NM,USA
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