The weekly amount awarded in 1943 was 拢1 11s 0d and for two children the sum of 16s 6d making a total...
Ship torpedoed near Eddystone Lighthouse 19th November 1942 by E boat while Escorting a night convoy...
This photograph was taken on our ship as we were told that the Japanese had surrendered in August, 1945......
My father Commisioned Bosun P.R. Sheppard R.N. served twice on H.M.S Warspite during the 2nd World War....
Seaman, Torpedo man. But while making the tea, I fell and broke my wrist!...
HMS Whelp...
World War 2 In Trawlers. The trawlers carried out mine sweeping duties around the North Sea and English...
I am wondering if there is any one out there ever served on the H.M.S. Loch Killin, from 1943 - 1946... His...
We did many landings at Digelli on the North African Coast dropping off tanks, troops and supplies, these...
My father John Anthony Birtle served on the Idefatigable and always told stories about planes overshooting...
Another wartime memory was the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbour... I had never heard of Hawaii at that...
After a period at home, I joined the Merchant Service and returned once more to the sea, which of course, I...
This picture was submitted by Derek Tolfree....
'Harry Tates' a name given to smaller ships where attitudes were more easy going between officers...
Jim Shapter has kindly provided Exmouth Library with copies of extracts from the Exmouth Buoy Store log...
The Sinking of the Marco Foscarini. The photograph shows the Marco Foscarini sinking having been hit by two...
My late husband Frank Nicholls who served on the Tartar,has written his story in WW2 in a cca 30 page typed...
We did many landings at Digelli on the North African Coast dropping off tanks, troops and supplies, these...
This article was submitted by Brian Paul his son....
My grandfather Donald Milne Ross was onboard HMS Kingston during his time in the Mediterranean. I know he...
William Barnett is officer standing under the skull and cross bones flag, just left of the flag's...