Painted rocks
Posted: Sunday, 20 May 2007 |

Here are the artistically painted rocks in South Uist i've been been telling you about. I think they should be part of the tourist trail. The serious local art trail. I really like them - the painter/artist worked as a painter (of houses, shops etc) locally for many years. He had an interesting past having been bombed 4 times.
There could be an alternative 'Spot the Tourist Trail' such as the camper van rubbish bags left by the side of the road (modern art) and trails of toilet roll left in the hills by birdwatchers (crap art). Apoligies if that word is not allowed.
The island is beginning to fill up already, I used to be excited to see them as it meant there were different cars on the road. Here you get to know everyones car and its so thrilling when you see a different one but by the end of summer you get very blase about it - "Oh yes thats a Fordsun Major fuel injection model" - saw two of them this summer, they're all the rage in Fort William".
Still on the look out for a decent car, its difficult to keep pumping up the tyres on my present model. But in the meantime i'm on the lookout for a tractor to take me to the Coop, i'm running low on potatoes and crunchies. Took a drive to the local tractor dealer and he suggested this model

What do you think?
Posted on UpSouth1 at 22:45
carol from deep in thought
I can't see what it is yet! Is this the sort of indecision you are looking for on this site?
Rolf from From Harris
Nice trees....
Flying Cat from Rocky Horror Show
Wondering whether to apologise for crap seems to be a recurring theme on IB....
Annie B from Lewis
Can't imagine why....AnnieB...can't imagine why. It seems an awfully long bumpy ride just to get to a bog. Surely there must be inside loos Oot West by now?
Flying Cat from a two-loo-hoose
The painted rocks on your picture in Lochboisdale was by my great uncle.. You're information on him is very accurate..
deasach from not on the island
funny that, he's my grand uncle too.Saoil co thu!! Yes, only now is the paint starting to fade, for years we all thought he went out and painted them every summer but he died years back and the paint is still there. Must have got the paint from the Crofters!!!
mightymouse from bhon taigh
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