Posted: Tuesday, 09 October 2007 |

This image signifies regeneration. The poppy grows and flowers in fields where the ground has been worked, consequently after the Great War and Second World war the battlefields in Europe were covered in poppies. The seeds can lie dormant for hundreds or thousands of years and then seek life when given the chance.
South Uist is regenerating after centuries of hardship, homelessness, poverty, Clearances and sometimes benign ownership by others. I hope it will grow and develop in a way favourable to the majority of the peoples of these islands.
The Shucksmith Committee is researching/exploring the future of crofting and seeks views from the crofting communities on how to move forward. I read a disturbing summary of Storas Uibhists report to the Shucksmith committee in Am Paiper or Stornoway Gazette. Sorry cant remember which - old age creeping up on the remaining grey cells!
Storas Uibhist seek to have all management of crofting ie development, regulation etc transferred to the landlords. This might at first sight seem OK but analyse this further - if this idea is taken to fruition then ordinary residents will not have an objective outside body to regulate what happens in crofting areas. The Crofters Commission may not be perfect but it is a damn sight better than handing power back to the landlords who rode roughshod over the ordinary people.
It is impertive to have a group such as the Crofters Commision or similar without a vested interest in the area to regulate it fairly without bias. Storas Uibhist might consider themselves to be benign landlords but do they realise the danger of what they are proposing. We cannot let this crazy idea be taken seriously. Have your say - for the safe future of the islands - let the Shucksmith Committee hear the voice of reason from us islanders.
Posted on UpSouth1 at 00:25