food for thought
Posted: Friday, 08 June 2007 |

Though i wonder if us islanders who now own South Uist have a right to the wild animals roaming the hills. Surely the new Republic of South Uist would allow the inhabitants a few deer for the freezer and maybe some salmon and trout from the lochs too. After all i believe that Norway allows its inhabitants some rights. I really will need to find out so that i can leave space in the freezer after i finish the sausages i bought in the Coop on special offer a few months ago.
I did find the novel Animal Farm insightful. It should be prescribed reading for budding politicians.
Posted on UpSouth1 at 00:17
marathon weather in Benbecula
Posted: Friday, 15 June 2007 |

This is the weather the poor sods had for the race a few weeks ago. Hardy souls braved the gale force winds, got sodden but triumphed by finishing. There were shorter runs also but running against that wind with the rain hitting your face was i believe an exhilerating experience. They all got medals and deserved them.
I've been thinking about getting solar panels but wondered if we had enough sun in the Outer Hebrides so i phoned a solar panel shop on the mainland. Seemingly we have the best light for getting maximum use of them. I knew we had great light as it bounces off the sea surrounding us and blinds us when we are trying to drive to the coop before it shuts after i notice i've run out of cream to have with my strawberries. I'm getting into the spirit for wimbeldon just now. It is boring to watch though.
I think i would rather play golf or bodarach - the true gaelic word for it - and not goilf as has been put on a sign at Askernish. At least you would have a real island experience trodding in the cac na beachean (cowpats) and tripping over the sheep and losing your balls down rabbit holes. Didnt Tom Morris have a great idea when he thought of sighting a bodarach course at Askernish. Was the guy really in Uist???? Is this another island myth??? Did the green welly people really take him to Uist to set out an 18 hole golf course for the locals to use??? Weell i dont know but maybe it would be nice to have a club house and golf course after all we have to move with the times. Its a good way of keeping fit since we tend to use the uist raincoat (car) so much rather than walk to Coop and our days of running after sheep and cows and making hay and collecting pewits eggs and running away from the gamekeeper are distant memories.
Posted on UpSouth1 at 00:35