New Old Home
Posted: Sunday, 19 August 2007 |
how nice to read that small communities in scotland are getting to keep their local hospitals. over here their closing rural hospitals down-even maternity units are closing they say it costs too much to keep them open for 90 to 100 births par annum--result emergency dashes for up to 100kms to give birth!
the weather girl from on the wards
Carol, that sounds very like here...well not here in Orkney, but here in the UK. A&E and mattie departments are falling like flies. A fairly recent cunning plan was to shut Wick mattie unit and send women to Inverness, a not inconsiderable distance, especially in winter.
Flying Cat from an old photo album
FC:thank god i can'tand too old) to produce more offsprigs!! daughter was supposed to be born in Montpellier-we were living in St Chely d'Apcher 300kms north--i decided no way was i going to leave hubby for some days so decided to have the baby in local hospital---beleive or not it was really an old folks home with three double bedrooms for mothers and babbies and a delivery room!! I tooik a hellava risk giving birth there no incubators or anything,but it was good--i always saw the same midwife throughout my pregnancy, which i think is brilliant--and when daughter decided to make her way into the world(the day the doc said she would) it was good-easy i woke up at 4h30 went to the hospital and mlle was born at 6h15--no way i could have been at a real mattie unit in that space of time--when will rthe powers that be start to listen to the wishes of common people??
tws's weather girl from in recuss
I was born in this hospital and one day will return.The place holds some mysteries for me,so will continue to look for other websites about this place.great thrill to read more about it.
jemma from south england