Early Bute Life
Posted: Wednesday, 03 October 2007 |
1 comment |

This is part of the stone circle near Ettrick Bay. I'm often drawn to take shots of them and this was taken with a pinhole camera. Quite fitting given the historical aspect but hardly in the same timescale.
Posted on Images of Bute at 09:32
Posted: Thursday, 18 October 2007 |

I was surprised to catch the Waverley leaving Rothesay pier last weekend. I didn't realise it was still running at this time of year, but good on it!
I actually heard it before I saw it!
Posted on Images of Bute at 09:19
Loch Fad - Pea Soup
Posted: Saturday, 20 October 2007 |

The edge of Loch Fad was a thick, greenish sludge, a bit like green paint or pea soup. I don't know if this was algae or something to do with the fish-farming in the middle.
Posted on Images of Bute at 18:21
The Old Port Pier
Posted: Tuesday, 23 October 2007 |

Now that the boat at Ettrick Bay has gone, I wonder how long before the old pier at the Port finally crumbles into the sea. It's a shame that nothing was done to preserve it in the first place and it's probably too far gone to do anything with now.
Posted on Images of Bute at 22:31